Muv-Luv Anime Trailer
Are ya ready Zig Forums?

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Looks like ass

I want to punch Yuuko in the face


Sex with Kei

wait for non-zoom rip

I just want the Alternative sequel

Well, we didn't exactly have high expectation to begin with.

FPS looks fucked in video. This is clearly not supposed to be low

why is it fucking stuttering?
my guts aren't even on 50% load and it's a slide show, what the fuck?

>showing off the BETA
A huge aspect of my enjoyment of Alternative came form not knowing what the BETA looked like until they actually showed up. Huge mistake.

does anybody know what the text in the background means?

You're getting one.

What did he mean by this?

CG looks on par with the eva rebuilds

That cat was out of the bag the day they decided to do Total Eclipse first

that only makes sense if you're looking forward to meeting them through unlimited, which you won't.


Is it all in CG?


wtf is this 15fps shit?

>Mainland China the Korean Peninsula has fallen to the BETA. Only Japan stands now.
Why did humanity have such a poor showing? I thought we were the mustard race ladds

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Only mechs plus beta in mass
It's video. Look at comments lagging

>he doesn't know

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Chinks and gopniks got greedy and didn't nuke the hives the moment they landed.

Don't worry, look up Operation Sledgehammer if you want hope

Guys it says in the decription it was a live stream and i know for a fact certain browser video grabbers end up with stuttering videos after ripping

no way they would have animation of that quality running at 15fps.

How the fuck will they handle Unlimited? I stand by my belief that Alternative will never get a proper anime.

you're gonna have to read all the spin offs and sequels for the new game and I don't wanna

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By skipping it? Or turning into flashbacks

I seriously doubt they would do that after such a time gap between releases

the whole first half of alternative is just Takeru speedrunning unlimited, it just doesn't work.
release me form this suffering.

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MLA is a fucking waste of time. They keep repeating the same shit again and again. I cried more when reading a yuzushit than that stupid kusoge. Everyone said it'll be a trainwreck but I feel absolute nothing despite being an emotionalfag

>reading a yuzushit

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Meiya is the best.
Yuuhi is trash and belongs in the garbage bin.

Nope, it's a direct sequel. Nothing to do with any spin offs, maybe just the manga ending.

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you can see characters from different properties in the preview images

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Kouki can't write for shit after Chronicles

>Alternative sequel
Is Takeru-chan alive?

New MC, apparently based on the "perspective of the current generation"

Nope, new characters are all clones made from their genetic material. Humanity now has space travel and cleansed the solar system from BETA, they have susanoos in normal TSF size and they are now a unified government with Kasumi leading them.


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>tfw no BETA gf