I like this piece of japanese animation because it doesn't look or feel japanese

>I like this piece of japanese animation because it doesn't look or feel japanese

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I don't have a problem with it, the problem comes when the same people criticize the rest of anime but rarely explore outside of popular opinion or recommendation lists.

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The characterization still feels very Japanese

Cowboy bebop is firmly in the japanese scifi genre and traditions.

cartoons of human bodies that actually resemble human bodies is a foriegn notion outside of japan so I'm not sure what you mean

>I hate this piece of japanese animation because it doesn't look or feel japanese to me

I think you would like "Boku no Pico" too. It had that sweet exotic western aroma that we love and appreciate.

You're only a true patrician if you recognize that Pico to Chico is the high point of the the play. That's where the Apollonian truly meets the Dionysian spirit.

this shit is so obnoxious. it was really bad with that eizouken show. "lol i love how not sexy these waifus are xDDD"

Exactly. I would just mostly watch western animation if there was more adult oriented western animation but theres really not. Im from the west, thus i'd like to watch things with themes and culture that are natural for me and easier to understand. Sure its interesting to see animations from other cultures that are unfamiliar for you but i'd personally like to watch something familiar and close to home. I dont personally really even like japan that much, they just happen to make some of the coolest animated shows. Or at least used to.

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I think the main problem with eizkouken was that it was a CGDCT show with a non-formulaic character designs. People who don't much anime latched onto it thinking it was progressive that girls with no sex appeal are doing something by themselves.
It was very formulaic in the story beats.

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Welcome to normalfags and their retardedness.

Cowboy Bebop feels about as Japanese as a lot of stuff from that specific period though

Fucking zoomers

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I think the 80s Alien aesthetic was kino, better to have real guns in the future than cringe fake guns

>west, thus i'd like to watch things with themes and culture that are natural for me and easier to understand
The west culturally does not exist, it's at best "first world minus Japan". We do not share religion , history, or culture.
What you mean by wester is American.

Show me one (1) western cartoon that looks like bebop

spike (((spiegel))) is a jewish man with a jewish gun and a jewfro

Spike Spiegel is probably a fake name considering Spike was a street kid, unless you think Vicious's mom called him like that

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Spiegel is German, not Jewish

The why dont you watch real movies

I do. I just happen to like animated shows more than real movies.

i miss the obvious influences kino 70s/80s american scifi films had on anime in the 80s and 90s. its just not as present anymore

but i dont enjoy that exclusively

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I like these kind of shows because they feel really charming and overall stand out compared to other seasonal shows. Like Space Dandy and Carole & Tuesday were by no means perfect shows, but the setting completely devoid from Japan makes them feel special.

Kill yourself, Zig Forumsedditor.

Real movies and novel are much better mediums for mature shit. As good as Shatoshi Kon, his animated movies cant even get into the top 200.

The fact that Japan didnt adapt any of its classic novels into anime tells you something.

>If an anime or any Japanese piece of media doesn't blindly follow any single modern trend or trope that every other mainstream Japanese media is regurgitating at the moment it means it's not Japanese nor anime

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I just like animation more as a medium. And yes, some Japanese studios have adapted some of Japanese classic literature into anime. Either you're really new or just trolling so i wont be replying to your posts anymore. Have a good day.

The only one I could think of is World Masterpiece Theater.


Why are you so harsh? Because he said word you doesn't like?

This but unironically