
Rich character eats it for the first time they love it.
Poor character eats if almost everyday.
Is this as good as anime makes it out to be?

Attached: Ramen.jpg (1280x720, 116.54K)

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>Is this as good as anime makes it out to be?
Good ramen can be breddy gud.

I eat similar to pic related a good amount and I like it

It's noodles and MSG broth

based on who's making it. As it the case with all food.

If you put similar ingredients into one of the popular curry instant noddles, it is also fucking delicious.

Or you could try making ramen from scratch, with all the time you have. Do remember that you are a shitty lvl 1 cook with youtube knowledge versus people who do it for years.

Ramen != Instant noodles.

Cry more into your salty food and die screaming into the hell with failing kidneys.

>He's never eaten fresh ramen at an actual Japanese restaurant

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It is delicious. Even moderately better instant ramen is a gift from the gods, but the real pro shit is heaven itself. I cook for a living but I don't have time to do all the prep for it often enough. Fortunately I live in an asian-heavy area.

Depends on where you eat it.
Some ramen can taste like just instant noodles with some added flavor,good ramen has a really rich broth and the toppings have a really nice taste aswell.So,while most of the time it won't be that good,you can find a place that makes a ramen that is as good as they make it out to be,or you can make your own.

I am too embarrassed about my skill with chopsticks and familiarity with Japanese dining customs to do that.

I'll try one day.

Attached: megumi.jpg (700x394, 132.5K)

Nobody expects you to say itadakimasu outside of Japan

The heat from the egg cooks the rice.

But I like my rice raw

>MSG bad

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How raw?

How retarded are you?

Ramen is fastfood.
Just like hambugah it can be shit, but a good is superb dish. I personally prefer a ramen over hambugah, but shitty hamburger beats shitty ramen.

I mean, it isn't exactly healthy if you ingest it all the time

I just eat the plant

You have to consider that cultural differences may be at work here, user. Japanese people like to ramble on and on about how delicious the food they eat is. Watch: youtu.be/FNJobp1lLEg?t=15

Japanese TV is also littered with cooking, and food-related programs. And the Japanese language even has an expression (飯テロ, meshitero, literally: food terrorism) that they use to refer to people who like to send pictures of delicious-looking food to others in order to make them hungry (which immediately causes retaliation and a chain reaction).

So yeah, they all these "oishii" that you hear in anime with a huge grain of salt. Japanese people are on a different level when it comes to food worshipping compared to the average baka gaijin.


It is good practice to replace using significant amount of salt by using a small amount of MSG.
It is more healthier and tastier.
Naturally, it is even better if you boil and stew your own sea kelp and if you going to go there, why not also forge your own pot and cookware?

Water is not healthy either if you drink a ton of it all the time.

It not subtle or nuanced, it tasteless and lukewarm, but it alright. It reminds me a lot of spaghetti, which I like better, but same food more or less.

You should be in jail

Ramen is overhyped. Pho is the real supreme noodle dish. I cant believe I didnt try it until college because of the cilantro smell from the garnish

No one gives a fuck about that. Live your life.

Ramen is still really good, but yeah Pho is awesome, everyone should try that too. Great stuff.

why would a restaurant in america give a fuck. they know what to expect from fat idiot americans and are probably just happy to have a customer like they would from anyone else. just don't be an asshole and tip well and you'll be fine.

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What I don't understand is how the poor character eats it all the time. Ramen isn't that cheap

Both are excellent and very different. I don't see the need to conflate them.