Tokyo Ghoul: re Volume 10 Storytime

Dumping Vol. 10.
Picking up where we left off as we're entering a new arc.

Previous dumps:
Volume 1: Volume 2: Volume 3: Volume 4: Volume 5: Volume 6: Volume 7: Volume 8: Volume 9:

Attached: Tokyo Ghoul - re - c099 (v10) - p000 [Cover] [dig] [White] [VIZ Media] [aKraa].jpg (1725x2475, 2.38M)

Attached: Tokyo Ghoul - re - c099 (v10) - p001 [dig] [White] [VIZ Media] [aKraa].jpg (1725x2475, 911.17K)

Attached: Tokyo Ghoul - re - c099 (v10) - p002 [ToC] [dig] [White] [VIZ Media] [aKraa].jpg (1725x2475, 767.16K)

Attached: Tokyo Ghoul - re - c099 (v10) - p003 [Characters] [dig] [White] [VIZ Media] [aKraa].png (3450x2475, 1.7M)

These are some of the best colour pages from :re.

Is this the volume when the P A R T Y starts?

Attached: 1530513226269.jpg (455x618, 102.02K)

Attached: Tokyo Ghoul - re - c099 (v10) - p005 [dig] [White] [VIZ Media] [aKraa].png (1725x2475, 1.4M)

Attached: Tokyo Ghoul - re - c099 (v10) - p006 [dig] [White] [VIZ Media] [aKraa].png (1725x2475, 1.09M)

Literally me

Attached: Tokyo Ghoul - re - c099 (v10) - p007 [dig] [White] [VIZ Media] [aKraa].png (1725x2475, 823.09K)

I like this design

>Assigned female at birth, he transitioned after the quinx procedure
Wait what? I thought he just bandaged his breasts. Did he actually lose the vagoo?

Attached: Tokyo Ghoul - re - c099 (v10) - p008 [dig] [White] [VIZ Media] [aKraa].png (1725x2475, 705.65K)

No, kek.

Living at the cafe

Attached: Tokyo Ghoul - re - c099 (v10) - p009 [dig] [White] [VIZ Media] [aKraa].png (1725x2475, 687.15K)

>Did he lose the vagoo
No, she didn't. But these are "english translations".

how hard is it to press ctrl+s?

Attached: Tokyo Ghoul - re - c099 (v10) - p010 [dig] [White] [VIZ Media] [aKraa].png (1725x2475, 794.97K)

My boy Hirako is the second most wanted man in the country

Attached: Tokyo Ghoul - re - c099 (v10) - p011 [dig] [White] [VIZ Media] [aKraa].png (1725x2475, 675.43K)

Attached: Tokyo Ghoul - re - c099 (v10) - p012 [dig] [White] [VIZ Media] [aKraa].png (1725x2475, 758.58K)


That shitbag Hajime :(

Attached: Tokyo Ghoul - re - c099 (v10) - p013 [dig] [White] [VIZ Media] [aKraa].png (1725x2475, 544.16K)

Attached: Tokyo Ghoul - re - c099 (v10) - p014 [dig] [White] [VIZ Media] [aKraa].png (1725x2475, 981.65K)

Attached: Tokyo Ghoul - re - c099 (v10) - p015 [dig] [White] [VIZ Media] [aKraa].png (1725x2475, 783.58K)

Damn the art really took a blow huh?

Attached: Tokyo Ghoul - re - c099 (v10) - p016 [dig] [White] [VIZ Media] [aKraa].png (1725x2475, 712.85K)

>Roma getting pounded by gas mask ghouls in Nishio s dungeon


Attached: Tokyo Ghoul - re - c099 (v10) - p017 [dig] [White] [VIZ Media] [aKraa].png (1725x2475, 838.1K)

Touka has lost chill

Attached: Tokyo Ghoul - re - c099 (v10) - p018 [dig] [White] [VIZ Media] [aKraa].png (1725x2475, 748.91K)