What your most hated trope/cliche ?

For me

> Mc is underdog/loser but have holy secret bloodline of blah blah blah

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probably the obvious love interest who is a close friend of the protagonist, because they grew up together or something. Usually has dark hair and is quiet but secretly strong. The blaring sexual tension drives me nuts

I hate the chosen one trope too but I think the bigger problem is that they rarely have any personality.
A good example of that trope is link from wind waker, he has a personality. He doesn't want to do it, he only does it because he loves his grandma.

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Most chosen ones have a personality and don't really want to do it. They only want to do it and don't have a personality in RPG

>If you kill him you would be as bad as him

>the comic relief who sticks by the the MC and gets his ass beaten by the main villain, and in turn causes the MC to power up and go super sayan or some shit out of anger

This is most ilogical philosophy ever seen in manga / anime

this, i wouldn't be so pissed off if this wasn't the real world equivalent of "if you kill your enemies, they win"

>tfw rock lee kept true to the early message of the manga of "hard work can make you as good with someone with talent"

>MC only cares about food and fighting
Fuck shounen

>MC is a soulless husk devoid of any personality traits so you can self insert

Bro... I like Kimetsu no Yaiba, stop making fun of it.

>MC is a huge fucking faggot who keeps being a wimp and crying at the drop of a hat

>MC's parents are either dead or abusive in some way because apparently healthy parent/child dynamics don't make good protagonists

This actually good though, edgefag

>it's a lolicon anime/manga full of little girl fanservice but the main character ends up with a girl close to his age instead who's some kind of a childhood friend

>The Teacher is a old hag and a drunk


>he has a personality
>He doesn't want to do it, he only does it because he loves his grandma.
That isn't a personality. It's just being a whiny little bitch

>Tournament Arc

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That's really young for a man but yeah for a woman is basically middle age.


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Nothing wrong with those per se

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You realize just because you don't like a character's personality it doesn't mean that character suddenly doesn't have one

>best girl is older than 14

The teen drama and the Sasuke's revenge arc in Naruto is absolutely some of the worst storylines that I've ever seen.

It's weird how that seems to be only exclusive to battle shounen anime/manga

everything in battle shonen

dramatic misunderstandings
love triangles
random powerups just to boost the MC to fight the bad guy

I don't mind NTR but the problem is NTRbait almost always amounts to nothing but a waste of time. It's usually just NTRbaiter tries to cuck MC out of girl but doesn't do anything with the girl and in the end he's countercucked by the MC. Every time it happens it always feels like the author just read an NTR doujin he/she hated and decided to recreate the NTR scenario in his/her manga but this time with the MC winning.
Either go all the way through with the NTR or don't have NTRbait in the first place

you don't know what NTR is

this might be slightly of topic but no episode of bort today? what gives?

>love triangles
For me it's specifically that scene where Girl A walks in on Girl B and MC in an embrace and runs away. I hate that shit.

>comedic relief/jokester is super strong
>harem protags
>beta nerd x hot girl
>manlet x hot girl