Sends an 18 year old to hunt down a potentially powerful son of a vampire, with a shitty stand

>sends an 18 year old to hunt down a potentially powerful son of a vampire, with a shitty stand
what the fuck was Jotaro thinking sending Koichi to Naples when he had other powerful stand users at his disposal not to mention the speedwagon foundation to help him out? He also knew someone from Naples who could have been of use to hunt down Giorno

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Koichi >>> Josuke and the SWF

Are you a retarded anime-only fag? Koichi wasn't there because of Jotaro, he was there for classes and school you nigger. He only happens to see Giorno and thus calls Jotaro, who then instructs him not to interact but just to watch him.

ah fuck for real? shit i didn't read the manga, but that makes more sense. Still, it would have made sense to at least send tonio since he was from the city and probably could have known how to get around and find Giorno. Sending Koichi on his own to potentially find and fight Giorno seems like a bad idea

Imagine Yukako's reaction if Koichi was murdered in Jotaro's mission

Because Jotaro trusts Koichi and he trusts Koichi's judgement.

Jotaro was right to place his trust in Koichi. Koichi correctly reported that Giorno had good intentions, and Giorno later took down one of the most powerful stand users in the world, along with "rescuing" Polnareff.

>making shit up
Why? It's literally in the first page of part 5

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Nice photoshop.

What is the point of Giorno being half-Japanese other than either WSJ being bitchy about it or Araki thinking it's some kind of ''significant'' reveal that his hair changed colour (even though it's not) and him suddenly awakening his powers is never relevant to the plot again? 5 is an utter mess from the get-go.

Why do you act like every stand user that Jotaro knows is his personal slave?

Why would Tonio go on a mission for Jotaro? Are you fucking retarded? Tonio is a chef and had no interest in hunting stand users. Nor does he care about Dio or the joestars. He also doesn't have a stand that could defend him if he got into trouble.

You act like all stand users are X-Men operatives who will go on missions for the SWF or something.

Fuck, not even Josuke would want to go on this mission. Jotaro is one of the only characters who's interested in tracking down other stand users and the arrows. In fact it was literally just Jotaro and Polnareff who cared about this stuff until Koichi came along.


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>In fact it was literally just Jotaro and Polnareff who cared about this stuff until Koichi came along.
It still was only Jotaro and Polnareff even after Koichi's introduction, Koichi only wanted his town to be serial-murderers free, he never cared about anything else and only accepted Jotaro's mission because he didn't know Giorno was a potential Stand user and vampire offspring, he just went along with it because the SWF was paying all fees so it was like a vacation trip

>Giorno later took down one of the most powerful stand users in the world
Cute way to spell ''took down a mafia boss and somehow assumed the position of a new mafia boss perpetuating the same criminal business (but no muh drugs to kids maybe this time!)'' Good intentions my ass. This part is incredibly stupid and not in a fun way.

>You act like all stand users are X-Men operatives who will go on missions for the SWF or something.
i am not saying that they are some super heroes who need to drop their lives to go stop the next villain, but i was jotaro, i would be freaked out that the son of my worst enemy was walking around out there potentially causing havoc. I would at least talk to some people or hell, just go on my own, in case this was a really serious threat

this user makes a good point
Giorno could still be looked as a bad guy, because he didn't dissemble the maifoso , he just put things under new management . all the foot soldiers and capos he didn't kill are still running around and potentially splitting off to get ahold of power in the power vaccum Griorno created. He could have started more gang wars because of this

>perpetuating the same criminal business except for the part that is different but I ignore

Seriously, why didn't SWF go investigate? They're the ones who got him that info in the first place. It's dumb.

..... But that's literally what he did. He talked to Koichi and asked if he would go on a mission for him. Jotaro himself can't go because the Joestar mark would enable Giorno to sense him.

Again, Jotaro trusts Koichi. He even says in Part 4 that Koichi is reliable. Koichi is cool-headed enough not to start trouble and also able to pass even-tempered judgement on Giorno. Koichi also has battle experience, he knows about stand types and ranges.

Jotaro didn't even know if Giorno was a stand user or not. Or if he was even really Dios son. Jotaro just needed someone to verify if this was indeed Dios son. He needed someone who was a stand user just in case things got rough.

Who else but Koichi?

Don't worry we won't sell drugs to kids anymore, we however will still sell drugs to parents who will abuse the kids.

>asking non-stand users to collect a skin sample of a potential stand user
>not just any stand user but the son of your greatest enemy

Giorno goes to school at the beginning, just do a "fake" medical exam on the school.

Fuck off. Giorno stopped all drug trade. It's mentioned in the manga that Passione has a public policy of not trading any drugs. The drug trade seen in part 5 was done secretly.

Yes, Giorno is not a pure-good person because he's part Dio.

But Giorno isn't evil. He's a good person at heart. He doesnt hurt innocents which Diavolo had no problem killing.

This is getting too complicated. Why would the school agree to this?

Also, Jotaro wanted someone who could pass judgement on Giorno. Koichi new three generations of Joestars and knew after meeting Giorno that he was a good guy.

If he continues circulating drugs in general, they'll get into the hands of children. The entire point of Giorno starting his journey is so the drugs don't get circulated. Giorno's idol also had an issues with drugs in general, but he specified by saying "even to women and children," implying the act of selling drugs in general is wrong. Giorno is following in his idol's footsteps.

Extortion and rackets, infiltrating and rigging politics, prostitution, weapon and human trafficking, murder etc etc good but drugs to kids baaad.
You are an ignorant fool.
>Giorno stopped all drug trade.
Drugs were never mentioned again after the beginning so we don't know, and characters seem to change their opinion about it on the fly anyway, sometimes it's all drugs and sometimes just kiddie drugs.
>It's mentioned in the manga that Passione has a public policy of not trading any drugs. The drug trade seen in part 5 was done secretly.
Polnareff retcons this by saying that it was part of the business from the very beginning. It's where most of their profits come from and they have a dedicated branch handling it. Mafia traffics drugs???? I CANNOT believe it! Araki projecting the japanese drug boogeyman onto Italy is plain retarded and people falling for his bullshit are even dumber.

>stopped all drug trade
Then how did the mafia make money? They only make their cash from drugs and "protection" which Giorno should hate even more.

Come on guys at least read the wiki page for Passione before posting

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That's not a gang. That's a real estate agency.

>That's a real estate agency
this, except they settle their disputes with blood and murder instead of going to court

18 y.o. with a stand is stronger than a squad of professional adults

Any full grown man can beat up the midget that is Koichi. Echoes Act 1 is weak as shit with no combat value. Act 2 is a bit better but can be beat by a guy with a gun. Act 3 can immobilize one person but leaves him defenseless to a second. Even Tonio with a gun would have been a better choice.

He just needed a skin sample from Giorno to make sure he wasn't a vampire. Koichi was the best choice since he had a long range stand. Also "Koichi you're probably the most reliable guy I've ever met"