Skips an entire week of college classes so she could fuck her boyfriend nonstop

>Skips an entire week of college classes so she could fuck her boyfriend nonstop.
>Becomes commander of secret government organization
>Immediately starts thirsting for a 14 year old boy and tries to bang him multiple times.

Absolutely fucking based.

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Absolute slut

She was the only person who had firsthand knowledge of 2nd impact and shit.
And yes, living the dream.

Women are damaged yes. They are just as horny if not more than boys/men are.

Also, Genetics play a large role in female attractive. At a young age, he has 3 females who want to fuck him(Misato,Ritsuko,Asuka)

His father has good genetics and also has slept with various females.

Pretty surprised Zig Forums hasn't discussed about genetics in Evangelion.

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She spent her teens in complete isolation and Kaji was the man she had sex with. A body count of 1 at 29 years old is a fucking miracle even in the 90s.

Absolute Stacy.

"But she'll never be able to escape from the United La-li-lu-le-lo yet."

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You must be Ames.

kaji was a dicklet so he'll never count.

Misato belongs to Shinji's big cock

She was an absolute cunt in 3.0

There's nothing to discuss. Gundam already did genetics in 1969.

>At a young age, he has 3 females who want to fuck him(Misato,Ritsuko,Asuka)
Ritsuko? Really? No Rei?

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nice fantasies you got there user

I always thought that was really stupid. It would've been more in line with her characterisation to have had a long string of one-night stands post-Kaji. She says in instrumentality that she uses sex as a substitute for getting close to people, but we're supposed to believe she didn't have sex for 8 years after breaking up with Kaji? It's bullshit.

All he typed is canon, though

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I always figured she was just lying

>Has never even performed cowgirl on Shinji outside Instrumentality
This post was made by AsukaGang

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She'd be visibly having sex with more men than just Kaji during Shinji's threshold to instrumentality to accentuate her "filthiness". As it stands Misato acts like Kaji alone was enough to make her a whore. And Shinji actually agrees lol.

>Skips an entire week of college classes so she could fuck her boyfriend nonstop.
That's pretty hot

It's her perception of shinji that agrees.

You're Jennifer, aren't you?

God I wish it was me

lmao my body count is 0 at the age of 35; get on my level slut defender

>but we're supposed to believe she didn't have sex for 8 years after breaking up with Kaji?
user. The whole point of Misato's sex life is that she has this subconscious, unhealthy obsession with her father, an arctic researcher. There was someone she had sex with during those 8 years, alright.
the clue is in the name

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Shinji isnt dead so its him witnessing that scene.

>It doesn't matter who. I am the one who is lonely.

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lmao incel

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Almost as bad as American government services today.

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I always just thought it was Jap autism where otakus can't stand women that have sex, and Anno didn't want to degrade one of his waifus.

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>As it stands Misato acts like Kaji alone was enough to make her a whore. And Shinji actually agrees lol.
And he is right

>Jap autism
It's natural masculine instinct to not have a whore with stds.