Dragon Ball Super

>May 9: ̶P̶i̶c̶c̶o̶l̶o̶ Goku Day
>May 13: Chapter 60 of Dragon Ball Super (sketches of the first pages)
>mid May: Leaks of the V-Jump and DLC of Goku (Ultra Instinct) for Dragon Ball FighterZ
>May 20: Release of V-Jump and chapter 60 of Dragon Ball Super
>May 21: Second Big Bang Mission campain for Super Dragon Ball Heroes
>late May: Promotional episode 3 of Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Big Bang Mission.
>June 1: Release of volume 5 of Dragon Ball Super: Color Edition (presumably)
>July 2019: Return of the CHADnon CHADnime

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That's great and all, but Vegeta is canonically UNDEFEATED against Goku, and Goku canonically never kissed ChiChi.

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Imagine being so lifeless 202497324

Goku deserves to marry a loli.

kek, based.

Imagine being so retarded you can't properly reply to a post

He did, I even got wedding photos!

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Goku looks pathetic in pic related. He cannot be redeemed after his abysmal performance vs Moro in my opinion.

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Knowledge is contingent upon understanding. The intrinsic value of that knowledge only stretches as far as its application and potential for advancement, whether such advancement is at the individual or societal level. Upon reaching this truth, those who are canny will conclude that the ultimate knowledge - the ultimate goal - is the unity of oneness, the harmony of mind, body, and spirit. With this knowledge - the knowledge of the body, of one's own destiny, of the feeble, nonexistent constructs that weaker men define as "limits" - one can effectively be called the most knowledgeable of all.

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To speak of "limits" is to speak of one's self-imposed guidelines, guidelines that were unconsciously programmed into the psyche by the machinations of a society that is ultimately weak and without wherewithal or purpose. These "limits" that the less-able speak of exist as a convenient excuse to not put in the work and effort required to surpass such things and rise to the best self one can be. To quote Bridget Ann Henisch: "It is the nature of man to build the most complicated cage of rules and regulations in which to trap himself, and then, with equal ingenuity and zest, to bend his brain to the problem of wriggling triumphantly out again."

Jirenscholars have solved this riddle. Follow their example.

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Imagine being too much of a newfag to understand the concept of responding to someone without giving them the (You) they're craving.

>he ran away
Yeah, that's what I thought, little newbitch.

Not him but people just use a single ">", add a slash between both or just uses "@" when indirect!replying to posts, typing everything and then closing with the digits (not even with a period) is pretty odd

Gokek always looks pathetic, but this time it's even worse. It's a sure sign that Vegeta will take the victory with his Ultra Spirit form.

that looks like kokun is being sodomized kek

>w-w-well I format my indirect replies like a FUCKING little bitch retard s-s-so everyone else should do it that way too
You don't FUCKING speak without permission, SLUT. Not in MY thread. MY house.

Reminder that THIS is the Goku that Merus intended to fight with his full power. Pre-blanco UI Goku is angel trainee tier already and he still jobs to Moro

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merus is stronger than whis

>mariachi starts

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If o a waka bu a oo aa more however ack a mota a ww po

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>he ran AGAIN
God, I'm good.

Thank you, Shitrentard. I still want you and all of your annoying Jobrenmongs kneeling.

I won again.

Another one for the collection of the delusional Jobgetatards to be posted when the jobbing prince does what he does best.

>this is how Gokeks cope after his embarrassing performance in the most recent chapter

What embarrassing performance? Jobro got the upper hand for a second just before getting figured out by Goku for being AFRAID of him.

What's even more hilarious is this was holding back Moro. Gokek is DONE. Ultra Shitstink can't save him.

I-I kneel.

>What's even more [headcanon]
This is post-Moro powerup and pre-UI Goku powerup, Goku was the one holding back, cuck.

>Goku starts running out of stamina
>the chapter ends with Moro saying it's time to stop playing around
It's amazing how fervently the Gocucks believe in their delusions. Now I know where the Shithandogs get it.

Go read the chapter and stop embarrassing yourself Pissgetabitch

>Goku kicks Moro's ass
>Moro powers up and does
>7 pages later Goku powers up

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gross, that's her grandpa

just rewatching super in dub
its sooooo much better than the stupid grannies voiced goku and the DADADADADADA
so good to watch now

who the fuck is Friedrich Habetler ?

>no argument
That's a good Shitkudog.

>Moro is smirking at the thought of Goku's (inferior to his) full power
>literally winning my argument for me
You're a good little doggy, aren't you? Want a treat?

Shintani Goku is best Goku

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