Le dumb annoying girl whos actually very smart

>le dumb annoying girl whos actually very smart

people actually like this character?

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Don't say bad things against Miyuki's mother/wife/mistress

Fujiwara isn't actually very smart

she was entertaining to force kaguya's hand in a lot of battles.

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If you think having average grades is synonymous of very smart, I think you need to go study more.

uhm, funny dance?

weirdly enough, average women tend to be more attractive.

yet for men not being average is more attractive.

she is not

in prestigious school average is good.

the """"funny"""" dance is all she has,huh?

she's the only one worth breeding.

She's a politician. She's shrewd that way.
You do realize that Trump won with that exact same strat, right

>whos actually very smart
She's not as dumb as some people think she is, but she's not that smart either.

She knows a lot of languages and is a great pianist but aside from that she isn't very bright.
Basically her intelligence is pretty asymmetrical.

Dude, she speaks five languages at 17 years old. How smart are you?

I mean I can speak 3 though one of those is rudimentary.

Trump is not a politician though (or at least wasn't)

That's a politician tactic, pretending to be harmless.

>actually very smart

Perceptive is the word you are looking for. By all other accounts she is still pretty dumb.

How mentally retarded do you have to be to believe that?

That actually isn't really that impressive if she was taught them at a young enough age.
Honestly her being a great pianist as a kid is more impressive.

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That's literally not what he's doing.

Reel that TDS in a bit, I'm getting 2nd hand embarrassment from you.

t. Shart in mart

user, by acting stupid and someone whose opinions shouldn't be considered at all, he got all the attention he needed and it made him president.

>using grades as a measure of intelligence

Kill yourself garbage ass namefag

Completely depends on the languages, context and actual ability. If she speaks Japanse, Chinese, Korean, Pinoy and some other SEA language, that's hardly all that impressive since there's a pretty significant overlap. It'd be similar to northern Europeans who all speak Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish and English. Besides: What Japanese consider "speaking English", can hardly be considered as such.

Except he wasn’t pretending to be retarded, so it says more about the people who wanted him there in the first place

Its true IRL too.

test scores are a decent proxy for IQ.

>It'd be similar to northern Europeans who all speak Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish and English
The fact that you think fucking Finnish is in the same group as those other three just makes it clear you're just pulling shit out of your ass with little prior knowledge.