He's right you know

He's right you know...

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Aizen literally did nothing wrong.

he's a loser so he doesn't get to dictate kosher thought processes for winners

when the final traces of Juha Bach's rieatsu were obliterated he should have remembered this too, perhaps then he wouldn't have criticized him that much

What the fuck did Aizen really want anyway? What's he grand plan for the world that is important, and it's not just him being top of the food chain?

>"Soul King bad, we must kill him"
>"Read CFYOW lol"
Bleachfags will defend this.

He didn't like being ruled by the Spirit King and was going to kill him or something. Then it turns out the Spirit King isn't a governing body but his corpse is stabilizing dimensional boundaries.

Aizen already knew that, given he calls it that thing. He wanted to replace the soul king, but be an actual king.

Isn't the spirit king a quincy. the king turned on the shinigami and outright hates them?


>lost because he wanted to lose and felt lonely

What the fuck gave you that idea?

He's right that the afterlife system is fucked up, but I doubt that a world where Aizen was on top would be any better, same for Yhwach.

Aizen lost all credibility when he began playing Pac-Man with children.


Plato always beats Nietzsche.

The novel confirms he was betrayed by the 5 royal shinigami families.
And his reiatsu attacking the shinigami instead of the Quincy confirms he wanted Yhwach to win.

what was his deal anyway. i know he is king but what and who was he

Like clockwork

He was a natural (I.e. the world made him) response to hollows back before the world was split in 3 (HM, SS, Earth).
We don’t know how or why, but the 5 families betrayed him, mutilated his corpse, and used him to hold the separation of the three realms together.

We do know the shiba clan ancestor wanted to take his place as the sacrifice though.


Just how do you even get the idea to take the world you're in and separate it into three different worlds? What could you possibly gain from it, even if you are a rich Shinigami Jew?
This is so stupid that not even Narita can make it work.

wait. so the shimi made the hollows by this act?

No. Hollows always existed. Which is why they wanted to separate the worlds, because life and death had no borders, so someone would drop dead and their ghost would continue to exist where they were. However, this is a problem because they still had chains of fate back then, meaning after a long enough period they would turn into hollows naturally.

Hollows can spawn naturally, like ulquiorra was born naturally under the sands of Hueco Mundo.

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Take what you get or fuck off. You wouldn't last the life of a weekly mangaka even for a month faggot.

Didn't he just wake up there with no memory?

could souls be destroyed at that time by hollows. Seems like hollows are a natural evolution for souls. knowing this i understand why they removed the there worlds

So if splitting the world in three was actually a good thing, why do Aizen and Yhwach disagree? Even Urahara shares the sentiment but doesn't do anything about it.

Yhwach was afraid of death and becoming blind/crippled again. I assume he thought he wouldn’t revert back to that if the worlds merged? At least that’s how I understood his character.