ITT: Unvirgins

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Pic unrelated, she lies as naturally as she breathes.

user, she is full of shit.

you think a girl that isnt a virgin would say something like that?

Your mom

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Would you an amputee? I know some of you degenerates would

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kyokou Suiri - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.55_[2020.05.02_23.38.16].jpg (1280x720, 131.49K)

bet she gives great head

tfw you'll never know how it feels to jam it into an empty eyesocket

It would cost an arm and a leg, but you bet she'd suck like there's no tomorrow

A girl missing a leg is hardly that much of a ridiculous deformity that you'd have to be a "degenerate" to want to fuck her.

You'd probably hurt her feelings by acting like it makes her weird and unattractive.

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>what is Katawa Shoujo?

Ah Japan, were men are psychopaths with barbed dick bones and women have nerve endings and main blood vessels in their hymens and sekkusu is an act where a man proves his manhood by punishing a virgin woman with rape for underestimating him and a woman proves her love by declaring her availability for defloration as a genital torture receiver.

Rin best girl.

By Who? BY WHO??

Would I?

his ex was better


not Zig Forums according to 4channel jannies


missing a leg doesn't make someone any less of a human being, the degenerate here is you.

A gardener

>missing a leg doesn't make someone any less of a human being
Yes it does. They are a human with one less leg

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kyokou Suiri - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.36_[2020.04.27_21.08.59].jpg (1280x720, 139.69K)

Defloration thread?

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Good. Any claim it has to being Zig Forums is invalidated by the absolute cancer that makes up the entirety of current Katawa Shoujo "discussion."

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Undeniable proof that purity is a mentality and not physicality.

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