Subs any time now

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So far I am enjoying the show!
Be honest though, do you expect other Summon method? Like Ritual or Fusion?

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only after multiple sets.

So Asuka will come back in Sevens right?

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Hoping is like that!
Doubt it, but Asuka will still remains in top 3 of favourite girls, along with Ishizu and Emma.

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No, but we're still grateful for all the moments Asuka gave us in GX and Arc-V.

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For me she is no.1. Still arouses me just by seeing her.

Also where are Sevens ep 5 subs coming out already?

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Subs thirst reminds me of Zexal and early Arc-V era.

Yoshida wrote several of manjoume's big duels.

Anyone got a gif/webm of the this moment? Romin gets new clothes every week is nice. The newspaper dude making faces is more """yugioh""" than anything else in the show right now too.

He was a better man back then.

No this is the most yugioh thing.

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He's EVIL!

Good guys only walk in Vs!

damn nice dubs I have there.

Up to Xyz.
Northwemko isn't your Number 1?
Pic-related is my Number 1.

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>Northwemko isn't your Number 1?
She is, definetly she is number 1 even if she is TCG/OCG exclusive. We are talking about anime/manga characters though. Also thanks for remind me that I still haven't gotten a Northwemko apparition in anime... Back to testing with the deck
>Up to Xyz.
You think that Pendulum and Link may be hard?

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When is Yuga going to lose and become an edgelord?

Good taste desu.

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My bros (also more points for the user who also like Ishizu and Emma)
She was really hot brainwashed

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Is Rook black?

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He's the same race as onizuka. also dark skin has a loose association with evil.

>also more points for the user who also like Ishizu and Emma

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>You think that Pendulum and Link may be hard?
Just by virtue there aren't Extra Monster Zones nor Pendulum Zones in the official Rush Duel layout.
She was indeed.
Oh, Ruri can get in my way and be a distraction all the time she wants. A really good distraction.

For me, it's Luna. Rin is a close second, though.

The søy is strong with that one.

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Daily reminder that ARC-V S1, DSOD and SEVENS were the last good things to come out of the franchise

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Wonder how much time it took for the artist to draw Blue-Eyes Alternative and Dark Magician

Links make pendulums look bad.

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Why's she so cute bro?
>genki but not tsun
>just go along with the fun
>not sidelined
>cheeky (as shown in this episode) but has cute reactions
Literally pandering to me.

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She's literally the perfect waifu.

when will Romin get dicked by a chad black duelist?

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Bros, the SEVENS withdrawal is making me want to watch Zexal. I always hear it is the worst YGO show or the best YGO show no in between. I think the time has come to finally decide for myself. At least the show looks comfy like SEVENS

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The best character in all of yugioh, shadi.

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GX and Arc-V were peak soul and best YGO's imo.

I don't even like DM, 5D's, or Vrains.

I'm doing the same but with GX and Arc-V user.

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Have fun user

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I miss mc's like Judai :(

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They all center on card action though?

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Yuya was great too.

Attached: Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V - 001 - The Tracks of Light, Pendulum Summon (720p) [ColdYawn] [680E929D].mkv_snapshot_10.19_[2020.05.03_20.46.36].jpg (1280x720, 73.69K)