Outgrown anime

Anyone here from 2008 and earlier? How can you keep on watching the same pandering shit over and over again? It's so tiresome to sift through all the shit just to find something decent.

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All your waifus a shit.

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Do I even wanna know what your lowbrow favourite anime are?

>Anyone here from 2008 and earlier?
You must be over 18 to post here.

I barely remember what it is, it's been years since I've watched.

I meant started posting in Zig Forums you obtuse faggot.

>How can you keep on watching
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

>implying I don't just rewatch old shows that I love over and over again

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I think the last anime I've watched is Baby Steps, just because of tennis and autism.

Nah, it's just isn't the same when you watch it for the first time. I think the only anime I've watched twice is Ergo Proxy because I wanted to make sure it was really deep and I wasn't stupid for missing all the references.

>started posting in Zig Forums
Stop associating this shitheap of a board with Zig Forums. I've been frequenting this website for the past 16 or so years, yet have only started using Zig Forums in 2016 or so.

Anime and manga have a gigantic diversity, you just need to stop being a lazy ass motherfucker and search for your own tastes. How much of a retard you need to be to not understand that?

So, you are an old newfag?

It's the same for every media

What are you on about?

>gigantic diversity
Of harem and Isekai? Heh, I guess the problem nowadays is that I don't have much time to waste doing 3 episode rule on shit that looks interesting, especially after being disappointed so many times.

Yeah, but I don't really watch western movies and series.

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Zig Forums is genuinely one of the best boards. Try spending a week posting on Zig Forums or Zig Forums and then come back.

Hey man, it's all about what you want in your anime. I stopped watching the majority of shows in each season years ago and just very selectively pick-n-choose now, sometimes outright skipping seasons. Nothing will ever compare to the joy of watching genres/tropes/shows for the first time though.

>A screenshot of my shit taste anime archive that I posted in 2013 when I asked if I outgrew anime and was given the answers I'm saying now

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It's all about pacing. When I was an undergrad I used to binge watch everything as soon as I could. Now I watch maybe 5-10 episodes a week.
I share older shows with other people (nieces/kids/brother/wife) in my life too, so getting to see their reactions for the first time is a treat, and sitting down to watch something you haven't rewatched in fifteen to twenty five years is really special.

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learn to enjoy the shit faggot.

Then don't consume anything at all if you don't think the good stuff is worthwhile searching for.

I for one keep watching anime because I'm always looking for great catharsis, communication, being moved, as some of my other anime have done for me in the past. Sometimes it's just a shadow of that, sometimes it's something entirely different but worth it, sometimes it's fun trash and others is garbage. Those feelings are important to me so that's why I keep watching.

That honestly could be the same for every other entertainment media existing, be it games, books or whatever.

Let me guess. You've seen 300 or so anime and now you think you're hot shit? Take a break from anime for a while and start being more selective about what you watch.

By not being an uptight faggot that worries about "pandering" and watching things I enjoy.

It's really easy to find out if an anime is garbage or not, the problem is it takes 1-5 episodes

I turned into a casual and only watch the popular shit now.

>same shit over and over
imagine having taste so shit and so little respect to self you'd ever watch same shit even twice.
Remember if you watch more than like 1 anime per seaon you are probably filling on garbage and therefore are garbage

Are you mad? The longer we watch the LOWER our standards become. Hell, I have tons of stuff to watch every season and I've been watching since the 2000.

I can't even remember when was the last time I watched anything harem or isekai. How much time you spend watching anime? Unless you go crazy and spend 14 hours a day for decades, not having enough good things to watch seems to me like an impossible problem to have.

There was a few years where I stopped watching and reading anything but I got back into it. I mostly read manga though. I don't know how anyone can obsessively watch seasonal anime. Most of it looks like garbage to me with the occasional interesting one.

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Or just not being a seasonal fag. If you really want to be selective you can read the synopsis and spoiler free review. I'm saying this unironically since you're apparently a faggot.

>2008 and earlier
fucking zoomers
Get better and more varied tastes.
There are hundred of great anime that you likely haven't seen or even heard of that have come out through the decades, you could spend your life watching anime and still not have seen all the good shit
Get some perspective and stop being a lazy zoomer with narrow tastes and watch something other than shounenshit.

>t's so tiresome to sift through all the shit just to find something decent
You don't need to sift through anything, you likely haven't even seen 1 percent of the acclaimed stuff.

Felt like I grew into a appreciation for anime that are at the very least low fantasy.

Erased is a perfect example etc. No superpowers bullshit.

then again I enjoy all mediums, when I get bored of anime I just watch movies and tv shows till i get that hankering again.

I kind of miss being 13 years old and still hyped as fuck watching generic battle shounen stuff

these days I can barely enjoy anything

Just don't watch the pandering shit, but yea, sadly much of anime is inbred if we look at inspirations like genealogies

when I was 13 I hated anime for some reason
but now I realise I missed out on Dragon Ball

>I've been frequenting this website for the past 16 or so years

You started browsing Zig Forums when the average Zig Forums user was just born, brutal

I started in 2007. There's still so much anime to watch. Sure there are plenty of throwaway seasonal shows but that's been the case for the past ten years. There's always something new that's worth following, and there are plenty of older shows as well.

For me it was a guilty pleasure that nobody could know about, since all my friends would think i'm a faggot
these days I have no shame so a large part of the enjoyment is gone