Mi = 3

mi = 3
ni pa = 2 8
8/2 = 4
34 = ΛΔ

Attached: Q_jdOPuq.jpg (687x687, 35.11K)

U so da~

Attached: I_see_you.png (1920x1080, 1.8M)

Attached: 1535301301297.png (450x532, 171.83K)

so mii nipah was bern saying lambda delta

Hanyuu = Nanodesu
Nanodesu = Desu * 10^(-9)
Suiseiseki = Desu
Suiseiseki = 1 000 000 000 Hanyuus

Attached: Furude.Hanyuu.full.2438687.jpg (820x846, 228.52K)

Attached: 1203046598763.gif (400x400, 97.93K)

sa = 3
toko = 15
5 - 1 = 4
34 = ΛΔ

I read somewhere that the characters in "Rika" can be read as "land of perfumes". This makes me want to sniff Rika all over, to see how good she smells!
In a totally non-lewd way of course.

Attached: 1562859705890.png (1920x2591, 3M)

mi = 3
yon = 4

No u soda.

Attached: qt Rena with popsicle_.png (305x473, 176.11K)