Fuck this girl im having a nice sunday roast now with toasted parsnips and yorkshire pudding slathered up in gravy.
Clearly japan doesn’t know good taste if it hit them.
Fuck this girl im having a nice sunday roast now with toasted parsnips and yorkshire pudding slathered up in gravy.
Clearly japan doesn’t know good taste if it hit them.
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I hate European phoneposting niggers and the crap threads they shit out.
They have made very clear that this was not the case.
I'd slather her up in my gravy.
It's your choice, really.
did you go to greggs?
Fuck you, I just had lunch and now I'm starving again.
that girls is Chise and she is one of my many wives. please be more courteous
best anime sword fight
I groped your wife.
Untrue or you wouldn't have hands left to type that with
>English """Food"""
because rotten natto beans are so much better amiright?
This is a strawman. It's like if she went to Italy and are overcooked pasta with plain tomato sauce with no herbs or garlic or anything else. Of course she wouldn't think it was good.
I hate americans so god damn much.
Is that vegemite on the toast? That stuff is notoriously nasty.
Served. Murka btfo'd
>shitty burnt egg
>marmite spread way too thick on unbuttered toast
Black pudding looks fine but is still a pleb filter.
Based retard
I would rather eat shitty american food for the rest of my life than eat anything that comes out of UK.
I love seeing brits seethe.
Could you please take some pics of you seething while eating your horrible shit junk ?
It's very entertaining.
>shitty burnt egg
It's an oil fried egg. They go black and crispy on the underside
This desu
marmite, fucking vegemite wtf
Theres no veggies in that plate.
Imagine being this mad.
Imagine posting all those pictures.
Imagine being brit, a human too white and flabby who looks like a crab at beach.
Seething Chang.