I'd like to propose a toast!

I'd like to propose a toast!
To Zig Forums - Anime & Manga

Attached: EXIPiE1UcAABy26.jpg (2048x2048, 398.66K)

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Fuck off

seething washboard lmao

Why is the table floating?

I like that gloomy broad in the back, her shirt is cute

shut your whore mouth little bitch

powerful magnets

Is this a manga

Attached: 79978774_p0.jpg (1000x1000, 190.13K)

At least the man that would marry her guaranteed to do it for personality.

That's flatty NTR nightmare isn't it?

Nooo don't kek the flattyerino the poor plank girl

Attached: 79996282_p0.png (858x1200, 1.18M)

Attached: 79645770_p0.png (1500x1500, 1.55M)

She should just fuck cowtits father then.


lol you got owned
based janny

What the heck is she doing?

based retard nazi Zig Forumstard off topic poster
get that ass banned dummy

Back to your containment board, election tourist.

Attached: 80600643_p0.png (858x1200, 1.01M)

This artist understands the office lady appeal

Attached: 80535842_p0.png (1200x1200, 1.05M)

Attached: 79551004_p0.png (858x1200, 1015.94K)

>anons say they like OLs and christmas cakes
>they just like curvaceous stacies in OL outfits

Attached: ol-comic-top.png (580x400, 165.32K)

i like both

A toast to the groom

porqui no los dos?

Attached: think.gif (320x213, 1.3M)


take your pick

Attached: EXEiR3bU0AAV8SI.jpg (1062x1500, 320.43K)

Well if no one else is gonna say it, KANPAI!!!

Line stamps?

She just won't stop getting NTR
Will she?

Attached: a toast to democracy.jpg (1836x1794, 373.35K)

3D OL are obnoxious as fuck, especially the secretaries, they do stupid shit in Excel then call IT to fix it.

She's already won. She's just to stupid to collect her prize.