Will this show ever be able to be discussed on Zig Forums without shitposts...

Will this show ever be able to be discussed on Zig Forums without shitposts? I thoroughly enjoyed it and it had kana hanazawa.

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Discuss THIS

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As long as t___f___fag still lives, no. It's no different from Madoka threads. If you missed the airing threads, sucks to be you.

You can just ignore the VEG discord, OP. So what do you want to talk about?

Something of mine just extended further then the universe

I don't like the style, but she's a really pretty girl and beautiful on the inside as well.

I like this Nendoroid

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Damn, that's cruel.

Did they really have to do the photo?

Just go to other sits if you hate the shitposting.

Are you implying that other sites don't shitpost? When most shitposters on Zig Forums are tourists?

Why are they so shiny?


>and it had kana hanazawa
That's usually a bad thing. Not here though.

I miss these EXTREMELY SEXUAL dorks.

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sorayoris are for BREEDING

AOTY 2018

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I liked the series till the glasses bitch ruined it for everyone in the end.
I hope she gets eaten by cannibals on her way to the Arctic.

>encouraging bait in the OP
>wahhhhhh why do people not discuss this anymore
>wahhhhhh why are threads full of shitposters or otherwise die at 20 posts
Fuck off.

Watch the anime instead of getting all your information from idiots on Zig Forums.

The thread when the final ep was aired, is really something.

>it had kana hanazawa
It's not 2012 anymore

Why do you think I haven't watched it you idiotta?
I was very much invested in it and the last scene where yui hirasawa clone sees the picture of Nodoka Chan clone in Arctic.
That makes all the efforts of K-on clones worthless.
Fuck that whore.

So you're just retarded. You should stop that.

Oh so you like getting clicked then. Very proud of you being so open about it. You should write a doujin about it.


Dumb redditor, can't even write your faggot meme words right.

Says the basedboy who got cucked by fucking megu-chan.

Shouldn't you be crying about anime being degenerate on Zig Forums instead of shitposting here?
Kill yourself, election tourist.