Goblin Slayer

GS high school AU anime adaptation when?

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Cute hat

I don't know about that but GG is best girl.

Attached: GG 18.jpg (1020x1884, 628.15K)

GG is a crazy freak obsessed with babu.

Is it any good past the first few?
It starts as the not troll cave but becomes your average jrpg moe harem after a while

Gobslay-san is infinitely better

T. GGfag

>This happens a lot in manga.

>An abandoned cat!?
>Is that so?
>Yes, that is so!!
>Box: Stamina (something)

>He seems to be hungry
>Cat: I'm hungry
>Here's some highly nutritious milk from Cowgirl-san...

>Are you sure?
>It's fine!
>I'll drink some one I'm home!

Why are you removing the princess illusion?

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I think the box says "Stamina potions", I can definitely make out the "tions" part and the little bottle picture is suggestive.