Why do spics like Laputa so much?
Why do spics like Laputa so much?
why dont you like it you fucker
Laputa detumadre
Who doesn't?
>kickass main theme
>awesome scenery and art in general
>has Mark Hammil as the bad guy in english dub
I hate it. Anti-nuclear propaganda which copies everything from other stories.
Pazu and Sheeta and the pirates are stolen from Future Boy Conan. The robots are stolen from Laputa. Laputa is stolen from Gulliver's Travels. The magic crystal is stolen from Wagner and Tolkien. It's fucking shit.
Take off the nostalgia goggles.
>The Whore
How did Miyazaki get away with this?
The English dub is terrible, they add lines of dialogue during action scenes for ADHD American audience. They just won't shut up!
By the way you cherry pick you should hate almost everything ever made.
Gulliver used it first.