Let's settle this, once and for all

Let's settle this, once and for all.
Did he cheat?

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cheating is based either way

He doesn't cheat. He's just super lucky whenever he DOROs.

Depends. If you consider all the early shananigans like attacking the moon cheating, then yes. I think by the end of the series the canon was, that he basically had fate on his side. Hard do call it cheating when your destined to win, especially when you keep in mind that he had some losses too. So it doesn't seem to be an auto win power.
To me it felt like Yu-Gi-Oh basically explained the main characters plot armour by making it his power.

He did cheat by using magic to draw what he wants, but he still wins because he wasn't caught.

He gambled his soul every time, and cheater would be mind-raped by the Millennium Puzzle, so...

Kaiba knew

Is it cheating if you just topdeck whatever card you want from your deck?


It's not cheating if it's fated to happen.

He wasn't using magic, in the Yugioh universe you can manipulate probability with manly willpower. Kaiba and Joey do it too.

Fun fact, you ca unironically do this irl too. All studies have shown that you are slightly more probable to achieve your desired outcome in a game of chance. It's extremely small and obviously it falls apart when in a man vs man scenario.
But you yourself just flipping a coin, rolling a dice, and so forth. Are (talking about a single percent here) more likely to hit what you want than not.

Absolute bullshit. I won't even ask for source since your claim is so absurd that only a retard would entertain it as a serious idea.

Yes, but so did everyone else really.

Yuma fucking wills cards into existence and that isn't considered cheating

Every Yugioh protagonist cheated with the exception of Yusaku.

I don't get what's so impressive about being good in a game decided entirely by luck and how do you even supposed to git gud at it

false. it's an even 50% chance.
either you get the desired outcome or you don't.


getting new extra deck cards via gatcha mid duel isn't cheating?

Atem literally invented effects from nowhere, nothing new.

Normally yes (Yusei, Yuma and Yuya are especially guilty of this), but Skills are in-universe a legal game mechanic, just like in Duel Links. If your Skill says you can a card to your extra deck from outside the duel, then that's legal.

>how do you even supposed to git gud at it
You don't. The only thing you can do to get good at Yugioh is side deck choices and even then you aren't destined to draw your side cards. Card games being competitive is a huge joke.

I mean there is plenty of strategy involved. It's about constructing a deck that requires as little luck to operate as possible.

Card games aren't just about luck, especially trading card games like Yu-Gi-Oh or MtG. You need good deck-building skills and good player instincts to know what you should do at any given moment and what your opponent is likely to do.

t. seething scrubs mad that they can't beat better decks than their own shitty unbalanced deck

Nope. Despite you not having the ability to accurately measure the force needed to flip a coin perfectly the way you want it, or shuffle a deck so that the card you want is at the top. The very slight amount of effort your brain gives into desiring that outcome and trying to make it happen DOES influence the outcomes.
A coin flip is NEVER 50/50 because you will always exert some level of influence on the outcome when you perform the flip action and when you call which side you want.

Keep coping with your shitty gamble game. Just keep opening packs like a good addict and hope you pull something good.

He is a king, baby. Kings makes rules, not abide them.

Yes, but still better than asspulling new boss monster from extra deck out of nowhere.

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You should learn to ignore absolute retards like him. 99% of users on this site are mentally handicapped, it's impossible to effectively discuss things with them.

No, the only cheater is yuma changing a card entirely. No other protagonist has cheated they just had insane luck


First season of DM

Again, proof?
I've never seen him make up a rule, just abide by the unstructured nonsense that is Duelist Kingdom.

>If you consider all the early shananigans like attacking the moon cheating, then yes
You can't cheat on a game that didn't have rules
