Rei’s pink overalls

Rei’s pink overalls.

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Rei's pink tongue

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The turquoise socks are the best

Rei is /fa/ as fuck

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Bright, neon colors were the hot shit back in the early 90s.

Who is the least /fa/ sailor?

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cute dork

Rei is /fa/.

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2090s clothing is so blase

Pretty much all diaper art for her is in this outfit

I don't remember ever seeing saturn in anything that is not a black sweater and a skirt
she's cute, don't get me wrong, but that's really plain

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I dunno what's worse.
That you know that
Or that you could be right

boob window...

I like that she is elegant and sober. To me total black and plain clothes are more fashionable than any other thing.

Public parks need more beds of roses.

Or whatever flowers those are.

I miss late 80's aesthetic in clothing so much.

Why are overalls on girls so enticing?

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It is a sign of tomboy.

It's really sad that Jet Wolf has become such a crazy SJW. She was upset over Mamoru giving the dead Usagi a kiss at the end of the R movie, saying it was rape culture.

Sailor moon is a 90s show though

At least whoever the fuck that is let the world know that it should not take that person seriously.

Chibi is so much the best. I'm almost up to the point when she arrives, I think. Just a few more episodes. Might meet her tonight.

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They aren't.

And this is why.

>Public parks need beds of thorns
Hard pass

You've been almost at the episode where she appears for months now. I'm starting to thing yours is just a pasta now

No I haven't. I finished S1 about 2 months back I think and I've been going much slower in R. I watched the whole end of S1 fast coz it was exciting.

This feels painfully 90s.

Also I thought Chibi appeared pretty much right away in R and she doesn't, there's been loads of episodes without her.

She appears like 10 episode in or something. That's really not that much

I like

just old-fashioned enough to seem fresh and interesting without looking too out-of-place. also has a refreshing childlike feeling.