These are the four best manga I'm following. What are you reading, Zig Forums?
These are the four best manga I'm following. What are you reading, Zig Forums?
they are all shit, ew
doesn't matter, i like it
garbage,kill yourself
I'm reading a bunch, I wouldnt say they are the best. The sim village god is nice, the smug asshat brown "healer" elf and O MY ENGLISH LONGBOW. Also the loanshark mango.
user you should just save time and make a noose, taste like that can't be redeemed.
I just started Temple, and that Food Court meeting one. Those seem interesting
>That taste
No wonder the scanlation scene has turned so garbage.
The problem of my love affair
It's a gook romance, I was skeptical at first but it's actually pretty fun.
both suffer from bouts of amnesia so can't remember what they did
Shimeji Simulation is my favorite ongoing manga.
Isn't that the kaballah?
the other two are solo leveling and one punch man
Based isekaichad
This shit right here
I want to read this at some point. I'm pretty interested in languages so a manga about that should be right up my alley.
I've been reading yugami kun has no friends, it's cute and funny
Sometimes I'm too dumb to follow what the fuck were the meaning of gesture and shit in this even after explanation. I would just go >uh huh uh huh
Pic related just got fresh releases, good stuff and its not that far either for fags that get intimidated by high chapter count.
What awful taste, I would feel less disgusted if you posted Shounen Jump
Is that a boy or a girl?
oh yeah this is nice, shame it updates yearly
Kumo Desu is based, though I hate every chapter that focuses on people. I just want a cute spider dungeon grinder manga.
forgot to post what I'm reading. Started I Am A Hero recently, took a while to get truly interesting, but the ball has started rolling these past few chapters.
This is my Tachiyomi library. Lots I haven't started or aren't caught up but I just add anything the looks interesting. None of my complete manga are on that page.
>less than 600 manga in their tachiyomi library
So many manga that I can't even name them all
>Peerless dad
>My Home Hero
>Emperor And The Female Knight
>Golden Kamuy
>Kengan Omega
>We Shall Now Begin Ethics
>Shuumatsu no Valkyrie
>Tonari no Seki no Satou-san
>Pseudo Harem
>Love After World Domination
These are the ones I'm currently following, thinking of dropping all the others not in the list since I lost my enjoyment with them and only read it because I had nothing to do.
You have so many isekai and romcoms that are kinda bad, but honestly but who am I to judge
I just got done with Berserk, I don't even think I'd care about a new chapter anymore...
Oh well I hope Vagabond is good.
too many manga
probably like 120+ including gookshit for research
(they all are bad honnestly).
but the most anticipated is pic related.
i was expecting sol-comedy.
turns out it has a bigger plot, and more like adventure