Chapter 3 Part 5 (End)
0bin key: bXuqlV4Wcde1u2+D#6Hs9i0npDmMQw9vKPXV-wzn5i+3O2gxiDJXvHciRgYy
Ayden Gomez
Zachary Carter
Cooper Rodriguez
Thank you Hitori-sama
Daniel Torres
Based hitori
Camden Sullivan
Poor zanac
Mason Evans
>Hitori-dono will stay with us until the end.
Robert Russell
Sasuga Hitori-sama
Anthony Hill
I called it. Army killed off screen.
Jason Flores
>Wanting to curry favor
>Offer eternal loyalty
>By showing off utter treason
Fucking retards.
Being a 4th wall reader really put into perspective how colossal of a tragedy this story is.
Cooper Hernandez
I was expecting a sequel to The Splattening but turns out it got off screened. God damn it...