Ruins the life's of millions of people for the sake of one girl in your path

Ruins the life's of millions of people for the sake of one girl in your path

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You say that like it's a bad thing, atleast there's a goal. Look how many the great leap forward took out, and all the Chinese got was useless sacks of iron

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based if they fucked

based, I need to watch that movie now

What a chad.

Honestly it was the best part of the movie. I was already snoozing at the very thought of the predictable ending in which they'd either find a solution that saved both Tokyo and the girl, or had to come to terms with accepting she was gone for the greater good. When it became clear he really gave zero fucks about Tokyo and wanted his girlfriend over what was right like, you know, an actual human being, I was very pleased.

sounds based

kys moralfag

Based and truelovepilled

I mean I would initiate 3rd impact to be with Mai waifu. You just lack resolve user.