Love Live

For me, it's μ's, specifically Maki. Bokutachi wa Hitotsu no Hikari is the best song and the movie made me sad.

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I love Maki

based, Makipet doujins were some of the best faps in a long time.

Hello, Hoshi o Kazoete > Sunny Day Song > Angelic Angel > ? Heartbeat > BokuHika > Future Style

For me it is loneliest baby and angelic angel, the greatest µ's songs

Attached: Nmiq1zYY4OcwE8arzPkrQ_1ouvK4SK18QjaZ1VcEMf4.png (568x723, 154.54K)

Love Novels is best song.

I still want Yoshiko.

Attached: ED9b3SmU4AAfzWq.jpg (845x1200, 128.54K)

Based taste

Maki is baste taste.

Next Sparkling is the best song. Gives me feels every time.