One hidamari sketch thread, extra wide

one hidamari sketch thread, extra wide

Attached: WIDE.jpg (1440x810, 109.36K)

You call that wide? Dissappointing

Attached: nori happy.png (2560x1440, 1.85M)

Attached: hidamaribath.jpg (1024x576, 86.06K)

Attached: 1561134351906.png (712x529, 109.77K)

For me, it's Miyako.

Attached: 1464807762331.gif (433x615, 2.92M)

Let us see just how cultured you are.
uptown girl

merry christmas!

Attached: [HT] Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb 11.mkv_snapshot_19.48_[2020.05.26_20.37.06].png (1920x1080, 2.87M)

I love my spaghetti haired wife and her cooking.

Attached: 1588178625978.gif (500x281, 146.38K)

Please be quiet. Yuno has gone to sleep.

Attached: 1562056289910.jpg (1192x738, 103.97K)