Bunny Girl Senpai

Why was the imouto so tall? Imoutos shouldn't be tall.

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Shoko is smol.

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I have a feeling the author was bullied in high school


Manlet detected

Not enough

I disagree; it's quite the opposite.
Having a taller younger sibling, who grew past one, and has now grown bold enough to wall-slam one is the finest.

Just imagine having a younger sibling, whom one always protected and looked after, who has suddenly grown taller during puberty and is now taking the lead, leaving one flustered with arousal and confusion, how he could have matured in the blink of an eye, and suddenly gotten so bold.

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Attached: eren_shirt.webm (1920x1080, 211.18K)

Flawless technique, Zig Forums fears the virgin Rascal.

they have to be able to pat their onii-chan head

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