Why do anime fans obsess over Middle school girls?
Why do anime fans obsess over Middle school girls?
That's not Kuroko's body
peak performance
Most of them are at the age of consent in their home country, unfortunately.
What wrong with it?
Tight as a loli, but deep enough to go balls deep into them.
prime age of fertility. Also they're hot.
14 is even, so by definition it can't be prime.
All men are naturally attracted to girls that age. We understand through pure instincts that it's the ideal age for a woman. Old guys just get jealous that young girls won't return their feelings because old guys are gross, so they make laws because "if i can't have it no one can" until you find out all politicians are involved in some sort of underground pedophile ring anyway
Mostly because I was 12 when puberty kicked in and I spent every waking minute either ogling girls my age then or furiously beating my pants-weasel and I have never gotten over that
Who the fuck do you think you are to try and tell me what numbers can and can't be prime?
It's just basic math, user.
>Why do anime fans obsess over High school girls?
>thread gets deleted
>time for the next best thing
>Why do anime fans obsess over Middle school girls?
based op
Anime girls not being drawn with actual lips like this is a crime.
High school girls aren't sexy while JC are perfect
They don't. Most anime they like just sexualizes minors as part of a formula creators have used for ages. Newer stuff is breaking away though,even the MC of BNA was 18 by the end.
I hope this thread gets deleted too so we can move down to elementary
>talks shit about high school girls.
Posts a JK.
That's some platinum level mental retardation user.
so that it too can be deleted to make way for JY thread?
That's the plan.
needs to go further. needs to reach at least JA levels.
can't wait to go down that path until we reach fetus
JKs are better for me because I love giant tits. The only flaw of JCs is they generally are lacking in that area.
Opinions on JX girls?
JC2-JK3 are too old
JS1-3 are too young
JS4-JC1 are just right.
typo or aliens?
Seems like JX girls are for you.