Baki vs Kengan

Okay fags lets settle this who would win
>Doppo vs Kuroki
>Jack vs Wakatsuki
>Ali jr vs Gaolang
>Agito vs Hanayamai
>Raian vs Speck
>Hatsumi Sen vs Shibukawa
>Ohma vs Baki (tournament arc)
>Yujiro vs Raian, Niko, Wakatsuki, Agito, Ohma

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that shit has shitty anatomy

You have shitty anatomy cringe anatomy poster

1. Beard man;
2. Jack;
3. Gao;
4. Agito;
5. Raian;
6. Closest match by far, it could go either way;
7. Baki;
8. Yujirowinslol.


I agree except
Speck could so fast and without break that he could nearly destroy the statue of liberty , he would beat Raian

No one cares, it looks sick.

This guy beats them all.

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Yeah but he still comes from a shitty generic battle shounen. Baki and Kengan win the story of the fight


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Baki's story is the strongest aspect of the series besides the anatomy