New sound thread

New sound thread
These seem to last longer on weekends
Links: Forums-external-sounds Forums-sounds-player

Attached: takarajima[].gif (720x405, 1.12M)

>These seem to last longer on weekends
why do you suppose that is?

there is more free time in the weekend. these take a bit of work to do

Attached: Is that... [].jpg (3840x2160, 1.22M)

This. also you can't really make these and phonepost from work.

Attached: black[].gif (500x280, 1008.65K)

you totally can

Attached: Yurika FIGHT-O [].gif (480x270, 745.22K)

Attached: I'll stick with you [].png (805x900, 518.6K)

How do you rename files on your phone?
Iphones (shit) don't even allow you to download certain filetypes at least to my knowledge.
Maybe on android terminal

4chanX on Firefox mobile

Attached: Jounetsu no Azaela [].gif (270x360, 719.28K)

Why don't people use this for more than just pics with music more often?
We could finally have proper discussions about sound design yet nobody seems to care for that.

Attached: Dead Man Wonderland Opening [].webm (640x360, 2.93M)