Are you strong enough to carry your waifu, Zig Forums?

Are you strong enough to carry your waifu, Zig Forums?

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That's what I train for, yes.

>44 kilograms/97 pounds
yes, barely so, but yes.

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no she's far too fat.

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>58 kg
Yes, the question is for how long will I be able to

Masses under 40kg no longer exist to me. I am beginning to fear my own strength.

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>95lbs or 43 kg
>5'1" or 157 cm
>BMI: 17.5
This girl is skinny

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Probably. She's pretty skinny, and she's not all that tall.

Although I try to stay Zig Forums and lift weights, so that I'll still be able to carry her when She plumps up from being pregnant with all our children over the years.

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>54 kg
I could probably at least princess carry her somewhere.
I just don't think I could do 3 sets of 10.

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