Why do mangakas insist on addding asppulls when it comes to battle shounen?
Why do mangakas insist on addding asppulls when it comes to battle shounen?
Easy melodrama.
Black Clover "heightened emotions, sudden changes or strong resolution" it's like Gash Bell's
and like Gash's, it's been hunted since the beginning
for me, it is one of the most acceptable of the shonens today
I don't know. Just avoid reading bottom tier shounen.
I always find it ironic that you guys love to post relative new mangas...
as Dragon Ball is the king of ridiculous asspulls, by far
why did god insist on adding asspulls to real life?
I feel like we did this thread before. Did we go this thread before?
Again with this thread? I'll just use my pasta to shit on you.
The bottom red square is form a different page (pic) than the Valkyrie dress.
The rest has been foreshadowed and the Valkyrie dress itself was created by Noelle, because she needed a way to keep magic close to her, so it was a strategy and not an asspull. And the dress was foreshadowed.
The pic that shows how many things were actually foreshadowed in Black Clover, which makes everything more sensible and not a bunch of asspulls
Most of these are badly executed and some even are introduced in the same arc
why do retards insist on reposting this every day?
Oh, so you are using your old stupid words. Nice to know.
Perfect then, explain why they are executed badly
>some of these are badly executed and some even are introduced in the same arc
and so? it's still more acceptable than many shonens
Zig Forums really love to shit on BC
Because it makes Clovercucks seethe.
Writing quality doesn't matter, entertainment value does. Shonen manga isn't "meant" to be critically evaluated, it's just junk food for literal children. "Asspulls" come with the territory.
It's probably Jeremy not taking his meds. The op claim has been proven wrong a hundred of times
Seinen has asspulls all the time.
Can't accept the truth?
>it's still more acceptable than many shonens
Maybe for retards such as yourself
The idiot talking about asspulls in BC can't justify his claims. Who would have thought!?
Blacked Clover is trash, but the alleged asspulls are the least of its problems desu.
>Maybe for retards such as yourself
oh? so, what famous battle shonen do (you) think it is "more acceptable" ???
A lot of it is just shonenshit aimed at older men desu.
Why does OP keep on making this thread with the same image?
where is my boi with his fake arm.
Not Ocelot he isn't Zig Forums per se
Only 3 things from this entire chart happened in the same arcs, try harder, in order to discuss you have to point a reasonable statement
Without anything to say you wont get more (you) to jerk of to
In the dumbest and simplist way to explain it, I saw it coming. And no, I don't mean I was in threads other anons theories. As I was reading, I kept thinking to myself, "oh I when that's gonna happen" or something similar.
The best foreshadowing is when you re-read something and realise it was there the whole time
Does BC conveniently sideline its female characters like MHA does?
Absolutely not
Boy do I hate proper foreshadowing!
Meeting's over, almost done my work day I'll join you cloverchads soon
I was the OP of the BC vs BNHA thread but apparently the mods delete threads immediately upon seeing the words "great debate" now. Someone else made this one.
Why does that factor into anything? Also most of them aren't even relevant to sideline to begin with.