What anime first comes to mind when you see this logo?

What anime first comes to mind when you see this logo?

Attached: 1200px-Toei_Animation_logo.svg.png (1200x901, 100.74K)

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Nothing but trash


Saint Seiya

And Sailor Moon

Also, why they stopped making anime?

The Wonderful World of Puss 'n Boots

Attached: PussInBoots.jpg (180x255, 13.43K)

They didn't, they make Digimon, One Piece and Precure and I'm pretty sure that the recent GeGeGe was them, as is the upcoming Dai no Daibouken remake.

Doraemon. I don't even know if it's theirs but it's what comes to me.

A bag of chips

Attached: One_Piece_Netflix_adaptation_planned_for_2022.jpg (1710x900, 330.42K)

Precure is one of the best animations

Attached: BzCvpaHym2G65Y2KDqdGkaAkHshyybfeqdV9nn3UPhTK3MpNhZV6qheMe1qGFSpl.jpg (1000x667, 555.72K)


Dragon Ball and Precure.

What else could come to mind except their best franchise?

Attached: kuuga.png (2400x1350, 2.23M)

my friend who used to work there doing 3D.

Precure is a masterpiece

Attached: toei_oizumi_1f_001.jpg (1500x1000, 807.91K)

Attached: EV7pmuuU4AESCH5.jpg (2048x1536, 471.48K)

The best one

Attached: NJPW.jpg (1280x720, 135.9K)

Chad Ball Super.

Is there a better view of this poster?

>Dragon Ball
>Sailor Moon
>Saint Seiya
The big three.

toei a hack

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 22.08K)

Attached: precure10years-akiba.jpg (3000x556, 531.77K)

Attached: 8551500954_9b71a5fbe1_b.jpg (1024x768, 197.34K)

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 183.38K)

Cool. Haven't been able to find this poster by searching Google but I wonder if it's scanned in high quality anywhere.

Sailor Moon

Attached: 1544527875509.jpg (900x1300, 170.35K)

Attached: Ea9qZh0WoAA1H3L.png (891x478, 384.13K)

Attached: img20130303helloproject1.jpg (800x532, 282.98K)

Attached: DPkSuM9UQAE10Oc.jpg (1200x675, 112.7K)

Poor Berryz Koubou. They stand no chance against all those magical girls.

On as somewhat related note, something fun, especially if you know the original song:

One Piece

Attached: 08276153.jpg (1920x1080, 284.61K)