WHOLE anime is about pervy students not only peeping on their naked teacher...

>WHOLE anime is about pervy students not only peeping on their naked teacher, but embarrasing her by exposing her nude in front of her students, friends and even television cameras sometimes

I know it was the eighties but how is it that machiko sensei even managed to be a thing

Attached: tumblr_o68z0iteam1rfspyyo1_640.png (640x480, 204.24K)


Fun was allowed in the eighties, user.

80s Uraraka.

Must've been a gag show. All the rage for some people

It's called comedy

Because people were not overreacting like anyone would care in the past, now any reason if you phrase it to sound as much as a snowflake victim will be enough to kill others enjoying it. I can't describe the depth of my hate for "le lewding loli" faggots desu. Golden age of animus like KnJ or Astarotte no Omocha, not even Kurenai is a relic now.

Kawakami eat your heart out

if you found this "funny" then your sense of humor is retarded. "HAHAHA SHE IS NAKED" "HAHAHA SHE IS NAKED AGAIN" "LOOOOOOL SHE IS NAKED AGAAAAAAAAIN"

It's OK when Japan does it

Hello NPC-kun

Laughing at nudity does not make you human, it makes you retarded

I was thinking the same

Yeah, cause Japan hasn't done anything as crazy as that since.

Attached: noodle loli.webm (1234x676, 2.98M)

>not even naked
It's shit.

Go Nagai started it all, seriously, by influence alone I think Nagai is more important than Tezuka or Toriyama.

Nagai is the ultimate pleb filter.

What's so crazy about referencing some didney movie?

this actually offends me



Unironically this, japan has no comedic timing which is why their comedy is shit and they tjink sexual assault is funny


Attached: 1559140909160.png (626x348, 77.58K)

wut doujin is this/

Being unable to step outside of your own cultural bubble to understand something made a mere forty years ago makes you a mindless drone.

America isn't everything.

It was all in good fun

That's the Doga Kobo show about the Jacked, former special forces yuri pedophile maid, isn't it?

Yet she doesn't end up naked

This right here can't be overstated enough.
I'm tired of normalfags barging in here making low efford complain threads about shit that was never supposed to be even seen by them.

Quints of truth, fours of Death, Nagai is the GOAT