Why does Kaguya get multiple seasons when the true Chad romcom only got one?

Why does Kaguya get multiple seasons when the true Chad romcom only got one?

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>doesn´t likes both
Fuck you.

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Kaguya is on the hand of Aniplex, Sueisha and A-1, They love milking the series if it's considered as a success.
And well, Kaguya is new Nisekoi in term of anime popularity.

Kaguya is actually good

t. tasteless faggot



Summon the Blue One user..

Kaguya is the funniest anime since Nichijou.
Your shoujo romcom was alright. I liked the hot delinquent.

When does this get good? I'm on episode 2 and besides a pair of small chuckles I don't see it as anything impressive.

Based user

Can sakura reach full stalkerhood?
Both are good, also nozaki is just pure comedy.

Blue ribbon.

>true Chad romcom only got one?
IIRC forget the full story but this is how I recall
>anime finishes author changes some shit in his contracts of work
>anime rights held by company he left because he was a fucking retard
>can't touch the IP unless gives like some express relationship with the company that his current company won't do
>literally stuck in an enigma

It's literally a comedy about romance

>no nozaki s2
>no love lab s2
it hurts, because I don't care for new game at all but it got more seasons

Considering where New Game went recently in the manga, I don't want that to ever come back

oh, do tell

They make some new dodgeball game after Kou leaves and it's nonstop bullshit drama that doesn't go anywhere because everyone hated it so much that the author just brought back Kou to fix the situation and are now making Fairies 4 with Aoba as the lead.

>nonstop bullshit drama
why would you do that in a moe show?

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wait for the tomboy

Dumbfuck, it's comedy first and second, romance are the fifth point.

fpbp, OP is a massive faggot turd

Kill yourself op
Why not a make a comfy Nozaki thread instead of starting console wars

It's a comedy first and foremost, with some vaguely romantic themes in there.

>making a high quality sequel is milking
absolute state

Why is there zero romantic development in nozaki?

Maintaining the status quo > any semblance of development

Watch the dub. It is so much funnier.

>Bitches about Kaguya S2 and not the Villianess anime.
Its embarrassing seeing people wave their hate boner around like that.

Because it's a plain comedy, not a romance.