Why is nu-shonen so awful ? a single panel from Naruto is worth all of nu-shonen

Why is nu-shonen so awful ? a single panel from Naruto is worth all of nu-shonen

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shonen was always trash




>SEETHING: the page

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Kishimito is a visual genius, we should've appreciated him more

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Yeah, Kishi enjoys drawing emotional faces on Sasuke

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SOUL, post more Naruto pages

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return to gaia, all of you.

He cute

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Viz kinda fucked up this spread but still kino

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More Sasuke faces

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>Sasuke's shirt being pushed by the wind
How did go from this to MHA ?


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Not a spread but still gold

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“Madara” reveal

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Kakashis slow reaction is hilarious.

Just many Narutos

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One of the most iconic spreads in Naruto

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Naruto is garbage, neck yourself tourist


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>the sccale
>the atmosphere
>the aesthetic
>the quality

why did people hate on Naruto again ?

I like how Pain still floating in midair
There is no need to be upset

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The story, and shift in fight style.

Kishi is pretty good at “showing, not telling”

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It got too popular so we hate it.
Same thing will happen to chainsaw and jujutsu.

Naruto’s return to the village...

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Paralleling Sasuke’s...

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MHA is 300 chapters in and nothing has happened. And the best parts of BC and MHA don't hold a candle to the land of wave arc

A pity Naruto became worse and worse, even worse than nu-shonen, as the ending approached
>Forget the entire world, only a couple of clans matter
>Uchiha fan-wank from the author
>Plot gone off the rails
>Asspulls everywhere
>Screw the moral that hard work is the most important thing, you are born ninja Jesus or you are no one

Kubo style

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Nah that arc is shit.

The scale is insane

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It's still leagues better than anything MHA has done

One of the best Naruto’s spreads

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Great perspective and cityscape

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It's the typical shounen arc.
all might fight, shiggy arc >> naruto arcs


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Shiggy is fucking retarded and I'm tired of MHA fans acting like he's not shit

Literally nothing interesting about him


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Yea MHA is just shittier than what naruto would become