Why is nu-shonen so awful ? a single panel from Naruto is worth all of nu-shonen
Why is nu-shonen so awful ? a single panel from Naruto is worth all of nu-shonen
shonen was always trash
>SEETHING: the page
Kishimito is a visual genius, we should've appreciated him more
Yeah, Kishi enjoys drawing emotional faces on Sasuke
SOUL, post more Naruto pages
return to gaia, all of you.
He cute
Viz kinda fucked up this spread but still kino
More Sasuke faces
>Sasuke's shirt being pushed by the wind
How did go from this to MHA ?
Not a spread but still gold
“Madara” reveal
Kakashis slow reaction is hilarious.
Just many Narutos
One of the most iconic spreads in Naruto
Naruto is garbage, neck yourself tourist
>the sccale
>the atmosphere
>the aesthetic
>the quality
why did people hate on Naruto again ?
I like how Pain still floating in midair
There is no need to be upset
The story, and shift in fight style.
Kishi is pretty good at “showing, not telling”
It got too popular so we hate it.
Same thing will happen to chainsaw and jujutsu.
Naruto’s return to the village...
Paralleling Sasuke’s...
MHA is 300 chapters in and nothing has happened. And the best parts of BC and MHA don't hold a candle to the land of wave arc
A pity Naruto became worse and worse, even worse than nu-shonen, as the ending approached
>Forget the entire world, only a couple of clans matter
>Uchiha fan-wank from the author
>Plot gone off the rails
>Asspulls everywhere
>Screw the moral that hard work is the most important thing, you are born ninja Jesus or you are no one
Kubo style
Nah that arc is shit.
The scale is insane
It's still leagues better than anything MHA has done
One of the best Naruto’s spreads
Great perspective and cityscape
It's the typical shounen arc.
all might fight, shiggy arc >> naruto arcs
Shiggy is fucking retarded and I'm tired of MHA fans acting like he's not shit
Literally nothing interesting about him
Yea MHA is just shittier than what naruto would become