For an anime with so much atmosphere, style and symbolism, I felt it lacked actual substance.
Other than Rakka & Rekki, the characters were flat. You could see the ending coming since episode 7.
I know this anime is extremely popular, and I really want to understand why.
This was extremely underwhelming
Something something cute girls something something sad girls.
It has been a long time since I have watched it but I loved all characters. Sure it was too short to development them as good as the 2 main characters but still
my drowned tomboy angel is so cute
it was just telling simple stories, nothing wrong with that, stories don't have to be earthshaking to be compelling.
>Other than Rakka & Rekki, the characters were flat.
Rakka and Reki are obviously the main characters and the others have little to no contribution to the actual story and only serve as background to give the universe a little bit of depth. What I do know is that Reki is a brilliant character and that the ideas of redemption, the afterlife and self-hatred are super well explored and that Rakka is a great example of a main character’s evolution, turning from a passive viewer to a really tragic and unrelatable character really quickly (but very naturally if that makes sense)
It’s popular because the main characters are fantastic, the show has a really eerie atmosphere, the conclusion is cathartic and the soundtrack is great. Which is a lot more than you’d expect from a slice of life show.
I feel like Reki really was the MC, Rakka was sort of focused on because she just "arrived" when the show begins, and there is some focus on her but by halfway through the show Reki really seems like the most important character. There's a lot that was explained early on, that would only have been explained if the viewers got to "follow" Rakka who was learning as she went along.
I'm kinda of interested but these episodes put me straight to sleep, the dialogue and character writing is really bad too.
Can someone just summarize the plot/the point
Cute girls suffering cute sufferings.
>that spacing
Just as I thought