Buyfag thread

blonde elf

Attached: zen-2-11.jpg (900x1261, 552.94K)

read the guide

Attached: sai-6-11.jpg (900x1350, 468.8K)

Pretty much the only Houtengeki fig that turned out alright. Unfortunately.

Anyone know when Japan plans on letting the post office go world wide my YunYun bunny is stuck in warehouse

I still kinda like this even with the mouth downgrade

Attached: Houtengeki.jpg (530x670, 232.34K)

Attached: mouthchange.jpg (742x471, 244.88K)

Attached: free-4-11.jpg (900x1350, 402.03K)

I would like 1 genki minotaur demon full figure pls.

Attached: 1587832398820.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

How does she support that chest with those legs?

she's actually pretty beefy down there.

Attached: I'm100%hard.jpg (1000x1422, 165.57K)