Wow page-sama! you are so Smart!, we find it very cute!
One Piece
Another thread where cocksuckers defend glaring plotholes and mistakes with shitty headcanon
Will Zoro one day breed with Kuina?
Threadly reminder that Haki was officially introduced in Jaya and was fully explained by Marineford and if you didn't know that you're a speedreader of the highest order
What about Shanks's CoC in the first chapter?
You already got your ass kicked, let it go.
What the fuck are you on about?
no, she killed herself
If Mihawk ever died, what do you think would happen to his sword? Would it go to Zoro? Zoro wouldn't use a giant sword like that though, but wouldn't Zoro have to defeat Mihawk to claim title of greatest swordsman? Would he have to kill Mihawk?
See, there's that headcanon.
it's not about making it easier, she's just following her sense of justice.
they fuckin
Was changed into haki but was originally a HnK homage
Every plothole you've named we've explained. Not our fault you're a smoothbrain.
Hiyori will steal back Enma and kill Orochi with it.
That’s a weird fucking harem manga. Dude fucks every tomboy in his harem & nobody else.
It would be planted with his grave because honor and shit
Keep that cope up
Who will use Oden’s other sword? Momo? Kinemon? Yamato?
>Planting the most valuable sword in One Piece on a grave for graverobbers to steal
Yeah, no. Unless it's on some secluded island in the middle of nowhere. Like a place nobody would be able to get to by normal means or find.
Since Momo is heir to the throne I'd think he'd use both, but I'm pretty sure Oden wanted one sword to go to Momo and the other to go to his sister, but his sister clearly isn't a fighter. I think the other one should go to Kinemon personally, if Momo doesn't get both of them.
His name is mud
Let it go. It's a new thread. No one will know it's you unless you keep using the same buzzwords.
Seeth more for us faggot it's funny
>Yeah, no. Unless it's on some secluded island in the middle of nowhere. Like a place nobody would be able to get to by normal means or find.
It would be a dishonor for Mihawk to not go with his weapon. He just needs to not get placed somewhere grave robbers would steal it.
Dude, that fruit that let you touch someone and whatever you throw would automatically go towards them and hit them with perfect accuracy is OP as fuck.
I'd love to have that fruit. A great assassin type fruit, like just throw knives or axes from halfway around the globe and watch them instantly kill people, I mean, unless they're inside. It has it's downsides, but for the most part it'd be great. I guess the other drawback is you have to physically touch the person. Not so bad if you could like shake their hand or something.
I love Peros-nii!!!
Enter WEAKffy
It's a new dawn, it's a new thread, it's a new liiiife for meee
That's literally what I just fucking said.
Remember, talk of this 'Void Century', the 'Ancient Kingdom', or 'Gods Valley' will not be tolerated. The maps of the world our administration produces are accurate and the New World is a uncivilized place with no stable countries within it. The Celestial Dragons do a great deal of work to keep everything under control and the tithes that are required are merely what is needed to keep the Marines and other agencies funded. All kingdoms under the protection of the World Government are free to manage their domestic affairs as long as that most minor of taxes can be fulfilled.
Nami was so enraged that she unlocked Haki for a brief second.
Vivi is using gag strength for a serious scene
I want to lick Bonney's feet
>teenage wasteland plays in background
Luffy bit his cheek.
Another case of a character that I found super jarring at first but eventually grew to really like.
That doesn't look great.
How is being hit with a balloon supposed to hurt?
Yes, but that's literally the answer. He isn't going to go without his sword and all he needs is to not be placed on some ghetto island.
We never really touch on the fact that Luffy is actual fodder without his gears. He needed Gear 3 to wallop Page One whereas Sanji did that with basic kicks. He needs Gear Fourth to rival Zoro's Pica-Splitting feat, and he got overpowered by Ulti
Crocodilefags got BTFO last thread, don't let it happen here again
This is one of my top favorite scenes in the entire series, and here you are making a joke out of it.
It's understandable to mix them up, they're practically twins
What about Ulti without horns?
There's a strong, powerful, and corrupt World Government. It's members does not care for the individuals who live in it's territories, only what it can produce to serve it. They consider the most useless and cowardly of it's protected class more important than the existence of individual countries by default, and 'lesser' nobles exist to basically serve as slaves. They are only truly efficient in areas that exist to make the lives of those they consider slaves worse. The employment of sanctioned criminals to fill in gaps is commonplace, and these individuals range from kings to slavers to criminal overlords to desecrators of the dead. The spectrum of what 'Justice', the ideology of those that enforce their authority, is broad to the point of meaningless but does not interfere with the closed ruling class's designs. The ruling class can do anything to anyone they please and can call upon the highest measures of force to enact their most mild whims. Rape and slavery are merely expressions of natural status, and 'lesser races' exist mostly to be used and discarded, even when fetishized over. They are gods. You are food to them.
Chapter 1000, are prepared?