Shingeki no Kyojin

So this psychopath pretty much feels nothing. She still hasn't even reached the same realization Gabi reached and goes on about the old conflicts and is pretty much a worse Armong, what is the point of this piece of trash?

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Coomers. Nothing else. She is the worst character by a wide margin.


Eat hitch’s pussy

I hope Eren, Hange, Floch, Armin and Annie dies. Simple as.

Its pretty insane how much casuals still have no clue about EH, they think farmer kun did it, meanwhile here its common knowledge (except for mankasa whales)

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Whatever you say, shipperwhale

Annie is such a daddy's girl. Do you think that maybe her father is more than just a father to her...

Attached: Annie_and_her_lover.jpg (620x470, 118.42K)

How much Ackerautism/Ackerhax would their kid have?

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All I know is that he would be the most beautiful and powerful in the world