Do you believe, Zig Forums?

Do you believe, Zig Forums?

Attached: season 3.png (1920x1080, 2.11M), not really. i wouldn't say that in public, however.

No, it'd probably be terrible anyway.
There's just too much expectation for the series, especially after disappearance.
Also, the LN author is never gonna finish his series so...

Attached: ikuwayo.png (707x999, 536.94K)

I believe!

>it'd probably be terrible
Not really. Tanigawa would obviously be involved and a lot of the people who worked on the original series are still available


Except, you know, the director and the character designer who fucking died. That's enough to ensure it would not feel or look the same.

If Hirano hadn't killed it and endless 8 hadn't butchered it would of already happened. Haruhi is dead.

There was more than one director and character designer.

None of that is the reason why there's not season 3


>a lot of the people who worked on the original series are still available
>he doesn't know about the arson attack
like said, there's no way that without the original, the show would be any better or even on par with its first two seasons

Attached: niggato.png (207x167, 74.36K)

It's been nearly a decade since the movie "finale", just give it up already

Attached: Haruhi and Kyon.png (1366x768, 55.39K)

>endless 8
>Hirano being a whore
>the novel author is lazy af
>nobody remembers
It's sad.

Attached: Haruhi 16.png (511x800, 543.31K)

Only way that it will ever happen is if Tanigawa ever writes a new LN and they need some advertising. And we all know that's never happening.

after 8 episodes of same plot that ended with "hey, let's do our home works together" and 2nd half of trying to make to make a shitty movie that we saw in 1st episode, i lost all interest of the show.

If we're talking Haruhi S3, people are definitely going to expect something on par with Disappearance. Takemoto had a very important hand on directing that, and the character designs are very distinctly Shouko Ikeda. It would be very hard to emulate both of their styles and skills perfectly.

>after watching literally the entirety of the show, I lost interest on the show
Ok, whatever

>people are definitely going to expect something on par with Disappearance
And they can definitely deliver at least something close to that. Just look at the series.

>That one user that kept posting while knowing he was going to die but still had hope to see the S3 being greenlit

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Nobody is asking it to be better than the first 2 seasons, that would be crazy, but they can definitely pull off something in the same tier, people underestimate how much of an advantage Tanigawa being directly involved with the adaptation was.

>Being proud of getting filtered?
Ok? Go back to your shonenshit/moeshit, nobody needs you user

It's never happening and Haruhi wasn't that great to begin with.
Yeah RIP

Attached: Rip_anon.png (1772x2732, 1.68M)

>Haruhi wasn't that great to begin with
kek imagine believing this
Go back to Konosuba, this is not for you

I'll believe until my very last breath.

I don't like Konosuba. I'm just speaking my mind. If Haruhi wasn't so important to Zig Forums I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much as I did. Without that history Haruhi is just another good anime.

Attached: haruhi_gun2.jpg (1920x1080, 709.43K)

>I don't like Konosuba
Then go back to Steins;Gate or whatever normalfag shit you consider to be a masterpiece faggot, do i look like i care?
It doesn't matter how much you ensoyed it, it wasn't even the point of the show to begin with. You wouldn't be able to give me a single show that is objectively better than it, only stuff you ensoyed more.

that's a good one user, I really like this. Holy shit I'm gonna have fun with this.

Nice dodge faggot

i'm not that guy, i just saw this post in passing.

You can have a season 3. After I have my movies and a season 2, that is.
Priorities are priorities, sorry old hag.

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How would you be able to objectively rate an anime? At the end of the day it's just a cartoon adaptation of a YA novel. If you want objectivity we can look at sales figures, where we can see things like Fate Grand Order anime surpassing Haruhi in sales.

Attached: Fate grand quality.webm (1280x720, 2.33M)

I fail to see the problem here. they don't waste time repeating the same episode 8 times on row only for answer to be "let's do our homework".

Shitsuba is trash.

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I say this every time Haruhi threda comes up. They did an OFFICIAL crossover in a hentai gacha. I didn't manage to get Haruhi and neither did my sister.


Attached: haruhi.png (1704x748, 2.6M)

>Hentai gacha
>my sister
These phrases are confounding both separately and in conjunction with one another.

Attached: Pekoe_questioning.png (393x390, 108.88K)

Hentai gacha. What is difficult about this? You gacha as normal, but as you level up your girls, at certain levels they unlock sex scenes. That's it. As for my sister, she thought the girls were pretty. No, she isn't gay. She liked the designs and the art and she enjoyed the game.

Oh and the image I posted is from my sisters game. I don't play it any more. Not played it for a year or two. I just played for her when she was afk.

I like how you're implying Shitruhi isn't a normalfag series


did they ever even finish the books?
I've meant to finish reading the (8th?) book for a decade now, but never got to it
the one with the diverging storylines

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