
LinkPool Thread. All time high distribution edition.
Get the fuck in here my horse rimmers, today's distribution was twice as much as last distribution and 3 times as much as the previous one.

A new all time high for LINK distributed per LP.
It's happening.

Attached: linkpool.png (1200x560, 43.64K)

Feels good to get nearly one WHOLE free linky to neatly stack on top of my whale sized stack. Just one more I'll never be selling.

Nice, forgot today was distribution day. free link.

It's not free, nigger, I paid for it.

I really want to buy more but it's just so expensive these days.

Was anyone else in the thread yesterday where 2 anons organized an OTC trade for over $50,000 worth of LP?
It was a beautiful thing to see.

Why did I only buy the minimum in the ico?

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finally more than 1 whole link, feeling on top of the world right now

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What's the current ratio? How many link do you usually get, and how often, for having a single LP share?

Also, how does this work? Is LINK sent to whatever wallet you hold the LP in?

At least you got got the ico, I kept putting it off because was waiting for eth to drop more and thought I had plenty of time. But then they ended the sale early and gave you lucky fuckers the extra LP. I was one of the first buyers on the dex though

Sauce please.

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Every two weeks. 1LP got you about 0.37 link but this payout was about 0.83

I bought it as fast as I could, I thought for sure it would sell out very quick. I was happy to be wrong and get nearly 50% more. Still wish I had put in a whole eth back then l. But I just got into crypto and was not sure about anything yet.


I got quite excited for a moment, I received almost 13 LINK this distribution. If it were to keep this pace for the rest of the year, I could retire and be the king of Mumbay

Not only did they do it, but it was casual af. Can’t wait for decentralized exchange to become the norm.

That must mean there's a lot of new nodes getting listed.


Is there an alternative to this for amerifats? Why is it illegal for us again? Jews obviously, but why?

How does linkpool work? 1k linklet stack here

So poorfags cannot become rich. They do not want you be part of their club.

It's not illegal. You're not a lawyer. Don't worry about it. Just click what you need to click to get rich.

You get a portion of the all the profits they make across all their services. You also get early access to staking and guaranteed staking of link.

How do I start tho? I've heard about it for a while but never knew how to actually start staking

its too late, you can't afford enough LP

who runs it are they actually competent enough to be on top of all the staking
did sergey make this

What do you mean?

You go to - you will need metamask installed. You can connect your ledger to metamask if you have it, otherwise use metamask wallet. Transfer eth to your wallet. Go to the dex and buy some linkpool. The smallest amount you can get is 0.04 lp. 1 lp goes for about 60 eth last I checked.

So you're telling me if I spend ~$15k, I can make $6 every two weeks? WOW COUNT ME IN.

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