This is getting even better

they aren’t accepting link at the moment

Attached: 36B70AEE-2F53-4968-898E-C8D54DF70152.png (1792x828, 1.06M)

Now I wonder why Nexo wouldn’t have enough link available on exchange at the moment.

Attached: D88072DF-39AA-40EF-BEAF-F9FA8244C348.png (828x1792, 902.24K)

What's the actual reason?

>he thinks this is bullish

Attached: 6265B46A-CFF7-4DED-808C-2F602F2F7E5B.jpg (1200x1090, 83.68K)

>i think i made a mistake

Attached: 1595138321905.jpg (462x462, 113.47K)

Didn’t nexo try to short the market and got liquidated? That’s my assumption.

Checked and are you serious or do you not know?

Retards at nexo pushed a 8 million dollar short on LINK at the same time as that phony Zeus capital report came out.

They made that PDF and sent it to their mailing list. They quite possibly have been liquidated by now.

Maybe not completely liquidated, but if forced to sell now would do so at a loss. They are likely getting withdrawal pressure as well as people are pulling link deposits off the platform

Sounds like they're going to have to buy a lot of linkies

They didn’t get liquidated. They entered the short in the 8$ range based on blocktime stamps.

This is actually very bearish for Chainlink. They won’t even accept it to payback loans because they don’t think they can sell it for an equal amount of USD. The mental gymnastics of Linkers is insane, if it was actually NEXO who authored the report, a chainlink partner that is VERY bearish.

This is an assumption. Quite possible though.

They shorted in the 8$ range bozo, they are not liquidated in the slightest, they are probably slightly in profit.

Stfu you know nothing

Did you read his post? He made an assumption with available information which is very possible but it unconfirmed. He literally said in his post it was an assumption

why in the world did they think this would work? did some financial hitman give them bad advice?

You can literally see the transaction on the ETH chain retard. You know nothing.

Both of these scenarios are literally bullish. You are the one failing with the mental gymnastics

Get liquidated semen

so they entered a short around $8.60?
Shouldn't they be in the green?

He had 3 years.

You are saying this is bearish for link you are retarded and poor

Explain to me how you came to that conclusion. A PARTNER of Chainlink is opening a short and suggesting the token is massively overvalued. They likely have more information than you about chainlink and its workings.

Explain how thats bullish, i’d love to hear it.

Its better fud than any fud from the last 3 months
Its obviously bullshit, and anybody looking at the the numbers knows why they wrote this, but most will not look at the numbers, me included

Just sold my entire stack, thanks for your concern.

They probably closed the short at a small profit. They wouldn’t leave it open given the circumstances

>A PARTNER of Chainlink
A user*. You don't "partner" with a protocol. Being the low life eastern euro scum they, they are probably privy to even less information than bread crumb autists on Zig Forums.

As a nulinker, his argument SEEMS to make sense.
I just hope it doesn’t because I’ll be financially ruined if it drops any more

I’m using Chainlinks words retard.

Answer the question

I made 173% off of chainlink. I’m just not a delusional bagholder, i take profits.

Attached: A71C657F-E87B-4460-83D8-5C75D2037079.jpg (1125x1761, 799.16K)

if they don't have any link because they have a short position they need to close some of the position to get more link. Closing the position means they buy back at the current price causing the price to increase. Since they're shorting they've effectively already sold all that link and would need to close part of the position on lower liquidity.

They didn’t write the article because they think chainlink is a scam, they wrote it because they thought they could influence a short term dump they could take advantage of. This could have been for multiple reasons: purely profit on the short, lowering their cost to use link oracles, trying to accumulate link at a lower rate, or they got into a bad position on their short and were trying to figure a way out. If they were shorting at $8 they could easily have been shorting at $5 as well and they were trying to make up for those losses by piling on more shorts along with the fud.

Regardless of motivation, it’s shady they would disable link deposits/repayments with no notice right after this news breaks

You are beyond dumb. They aren’t ACCEPTING LINK as payment for loans. They don’t need to buy LINK.

None of that is bullish. I asked how this news if true could be constructed as bullish. If they were trying to buy LINK lower they wouldn’t have opened a multimillion dollar short position.

You seem really emotionally invested in this user... can't imagine why...

>If they were trying to buy LINK lower they wouldn’t have opened a multimillion dollar short position.
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