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$10 eoy
Screenshot this

Hahaha deludedfag
I'll buy the dip at 0.007 and sell at 0.01 again

Get your eyes checked. It's down a few per cent which is just healthy after such a fast climb.

0,30 eoy
$1 eoy 2021


how to buy if canadian

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RSR is done, after PayPal announced it's partnering with Paxos. Sorry, I had high hopes for RSR too.

(you missed the train buddy now you're just gonna be holding my bag if you buy frend)

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This. Everyone sell so I can buy more at under a penny

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All this piece of shit has done is dump since I bought it. Fuck my life.

Should have bought the chad stable coin AMPL

>been waking up to gains for two months straight
>up 360% in those two months total
> retraces 7%: A-AHAHA H-HA you sure got r-rekt user

Seriously, why do people make these threads?

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I'm no expert but, I would wait till something has been red for a day or two to buy. It mitigates being in your current sitch.

Cope PayPal fucked RSV

This news does not at all prevent rsv from being accepted on paypal at some point. Also, RSR could probably hit $1 from the success of RSV in the third world alone

>Also, RSR could probably hit $1 from the success of RSV in the third world alone
What year? 2030? When $1 has hyperinflated?

2022? Cmon, this is a speculative asset, these are the risks you assume

reserve literally aims to capture the unbanked market share of around 2 billion people worldwide

I get that its fud so they can keep buying but why would anyone be upset at all if rsr failed and never goes past 0.01 ever? no one on Zig Forums has invested more than $15 into any crypto shilled here. Stop acting like you're going to lose 100k if this tanks lol its pretty cringe

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>tfw 19 years old

Yeah lose out on a 100x stupid fucking people


They won't be offering paxos to customers. That's not what that partnership is for.

I sold the top for LOKI. How smart am i? Come on. Tell me. You tell me now.

LOKI is about to 10x and nobody cares, which is the most bullish thing about this board.

up 100% down 5%

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Only idiots will sell now. LOL Sell so i drops I want to buy more ffs.

>caring about short term action


Rekt all RSR moonboys ahahaha

This thread, above all.. has
Made it pretty clear that there are a bunch of fucking teenagers on here, thinking they’re all that and don’t have a fucking clue.

Down 5% = rekt? Are you ducking kidding me?

Quit sucking your mommas titty and focus on your maths you fucking idiots


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Sold my 2mm stack. It was fun while it lasted but theres nothing in the pipeline for 6 months and i can profit during that time in other coins.