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Jump Giga drops in July 27, featurin TPN,Yuuna,KNY and Haikyuu

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Akuma no Memumemu-chan vol.10 drops tomorrow and will have special illustrations form jump author such as Tadahiro Miura,Fujimoto Tatsuki or Akutami Gege

Attached: akuma.jpg (667x1200, 313.89K)

Are any of these good besides the well known ones

Axegravity Boys

We don't need a second thread because some faggot on twitter made a pretty picture, stop doing it.

Axeakashi Triangle

It can't be helped there's a new MoriKING in town.
Long the the King.

I think OP just does it so it’s easier to find in the archive

For the love of god someone translate it

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