
What a god damn masterpiece. For some reason, this reminded me of Pi (1998) so I listened to the soundtrack on repeat while I read the entire manga.

Attached: homunculus.png (1600x1131, 443.52K)

Is It really that good?

Watch ID:Invaded of you want more trepanation kino

Already did. Great fucking anime.

Yes, Homunculus is a work of art.

I'd say it's okayish personally, nice atmosphere and weird concepts, plot's pretty wonky at points (I still remember him raping some girl in a car for like 100+ pages while ranting about teen psychology and me wondering why the fuck I was reading this).

Can someone explain to me why he ate his own cum?

Attached: firefox_oBgV5yAWYY.png (638x531, 226.14K)

iirc he said he stopped being able to feel and taste after he got rich and so he tried to eat his cum to try and taste at least something.

Narcissist stuff, the ending references Yamamoto's goofy okama manga where a guy falls in love with his reflection in the mirror when he's crossdressing.

Attached: [Hachimitsu_Scans]_Okama_Hakusho_v03_c56_14-15.png (2235x1600, 253.59K)
