How fat is too fat?

How fat is too fat?

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General rule of thumb is tummy extending beyond the milkers

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The seiyuu were remarkably similar to the their characters

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Chubby is cute, obese is disgusting. But I like almost anorexic girls the most. Their clavicles, their ribs and their hips bones are such an erotic sight. Imagine how much of them you can feel without barley any fat in the way.

why do animes call any girl with big tits chubby and call it a day?
not canon but people love to call mami fat
based but i want to see actual anorexic girls instead of skinny just being the default

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>take a girl with the best figure in the series
>call her fat
Every time

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>can't make fans too mad by making an actually fat girl
>still need easy jokes

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Give that fatty to me.

Koyume is a skinny fag. She should get fatter.

Anything bigger than real drive. RD is the limit.

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If it affects the face too much.

I miss Meal Drive.

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>make a girl fat
>barely change the chin

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Look at that obese monstrosity. She would have ruined the whole show, if Kaos didn't do that already.

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anything heavier than smelly, chubby, neets

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Baby don't hurt me

Like twice as fat, I’d say.

She'll get fatter once Tsubasa impregnates her.

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So never.

With iPS, anything is possible.

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Comic Girls is not a Sci-Fi show though

Explain Kaos then

Koyume will take exactly what she wants from Tsubasa's manly masculine male benis

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Not until the fat starts sagging so much it begins to cover other appealing parts of the body, so I guess around 600lbs
This malnourished creature looks like she'd disintegrate if a light breeze blew by

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What's that manga where a chick has sex with a obese idol? She fucks a dolphin too

The reason I prefer anime to irl white girls is because this is considered "fat." It's true that Koyume is overweight. What's horrifying is that this is considered "thin" by these feminist hamplanet 3D pig disgusting females that we have to see in everyday life. That's considered thin and it's too hard for them to ever lose enough weight to look even remotely like that. The simps in our culture ( as an example) only encourage it with stupid words of encouragement like, "I like them with a little meat on the bones" or other inane memespeak like "dam boi, she thiccccccc!!"

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Tsubasa is the one who would get impregnated