Late thread. Sorry, have a color page.
184: The mystery of Going Commando
Late thread. Sorry, have a color page.
184: The mystery of Going Commando
Reriko. You better hurry, or you'll be late for next class.
I-I know already.
They should be here, but I can't find them at all.
Maybe someone took mine by mistake...
What now...
I couldn't find them in the end...
My panties.
As a member of the morals committee...
No, as a human being, I cannot let anyone find out about this!
I was constantly sitting in class
So I somehow made it through that...
But now I have a major problem that I cannot avoid.
And that is...
The stairs.
If I'm gonna go,
What are you doing?
N-nothing at all.
Why am I running into him now of all times!?
Wait... he came after me just now.
What if he came from the stairs...
Daisuke-kun, did you notice?
You're not wearing any, huh.
It's over...
Of all people, it had to be Daisuke-kun who found out...
So you're saying... you saw it...
Well yeah...
You wear them all the time, after all.
He was always watching!?
Th... that's so immoral, Daisuke-kun!
What's immoral!?
About socks.
Wait, was I wrong?
Are you saying there's something else aside from my socks!?
I was so distracted by my panties, I completely forgot about my socks!!
I was this close to imploding just now...
But at the very least, it looks like he didn't notice the panties part...
You're sweating a lot for some reason, are you okay?
Th... there is no problem whatsoever.
I'm off now.
Did you see...?
I... I did not see.
You definitely saw!
You're wrong! I just lost my panties during swimming class!!
Running is dangerous!
That night.
This was the worst day ever...
Daisuke-kun saw my butt...
And now...
I'm 100% sure he sees me as a pervert!!
She couldn't sleep until morning.
God, I love Schroedinger's pantsu.