Why is ARK mooning?!

Why is ARK mooning?!

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Fuck off Chang

Because it will skyrocket to 30 fucking bucks eoy, that‘s why
There was enough Time to accumulate, the New market cycle for ark is just getting starten. Buy now or never

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Yeah sure. A coin that has literal Zig Forums spergs as delegates and a non-existent team. How many times did Mooners save this coin again?

Literally fuck off.

Oh boy, You’re in for a biiig surprise. Let’s Talk again in 4-6 weeks, nonarkie. I pity you, desu

Sounds like you capitulated. It’s not too late to jump back in

Who are you?

Shut up newfags.
I'm the most notorious guy who left your Discord.

Fuck off Cookie


I'm not there anymore the coomer chink banned me cause his feelings got hurt. Most notorious that would probably be vul, but you aren't him.

I miss you nigga, please come back.

Why would anyone come back to a literal shithole lol

That time and involment is proof of its maturity and development.

Shut the fuck up Cookie.

Fuck off Dorff
Not Cookie

Lol, sure

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>Not Cookie
shame, I miss Cookie.
Who the fuck are you then, fren.
You're not Poke because he'd never refer to himself as notorious.
Spill it faggot. Give me a clue.


How are Todd and Wozzy doing

You’re Valera

I'm Cookie you beta virgin autists.

Nah that place AIDS. How ya been?

No you're not...

WTF no I'm Cookie.

Wrong and sage

You'll be greeted with open arms and open cheeks if you come back. Chang never banned you as I'm sure you know. I don't know if anybody told you but ARK is going to be $30 by the end of THIS year and we're having a yacht party to celebrate. Would be a real shame to miss out on an invite.


Fuck off nigger, this is an ARK board now.

newfags, no other reason, if you remember what the team did then stay away

>Jews ID
30 fucking bucks, shlomo.

You weren't banned, dramaqueen. You were kicked for acting like what you accused Kirk of being.

How can it not moon, it’s criminal Star Trek. This will unironically be the space crypto ‘sir that will be 0.005 ARK credits for your space pasta’!

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Nice hitler dubs. I know it wasn't perma, there are some personalities that just wont ever line up. I mean even modem and moon left :hyperxd:
I spend too much time on that app anyways trying to cut back and focus my energy elsewhere.

>Simping for a nigger

That's fair. I know where you live anyway so I'll just drop your invite in the mail.