>6th anniversary
>No cover
>No color page
>No new projects
>Mobile game shutdown
What happened
Boku no Hero Academia
Jeremiah Kelly
James Powell
I want to marry Deku
Justin Roberts
Sales declined
Adrian Baker
CSM happened
Nathaniel Cooper
people realized it was shit
Jaxon Garcia
>>Mobile game shutdown
No fucking way. Did fujos finally get tired of this shit series?
Jacob Ross
They're so cute together
Alexander Reyes
Mirio hasn't been relevant in 3 years.
Hunter Murphy
>tfw no vodkanigger gf
>tfw no scat gf
>tfw no dom gf
>tfw no moth gf
>tfw no bunny gf
>tfw no lizard gf
Tyler Morales
>No new projects
Pic related
>Mobile game shutdown
They literally announced a new one in the works
Also the anniversary spreads always come in mid to late July