Boku no Hero Academia

>6th anniversary
>No cover
>No color page
>No new projects
>Mobile game shutdown
What happened

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I want to marry Deku

Sales declined

CSM happened

Attached: 0071-002.jpg (1568x1145, 348.32K)

people realized it was shit

>>Mobile game shutdown
No fucking way. Did fujos finally get tired of this shit series?

They're so cute together

Attached: 1593420992537.jpg (2381x2000, 1.06M)

Mirio hasn't been relevant in 3 years.

>tfw no vodkanigger gf
>tfw no scat gf
>tfw no dom gf

>tfw no moth gf
>tfw no bunny gf
>tfw no lizard gf

Attached: 1591471470083.png (1080x1043, 1M)

>No new projects
Pic related
>Mobile game shutdown
They literally announced a new one in the works

Also the anniversary spreads always come in mid to late July

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